14 St Georg Bad Bayersoien protestant Brandstatt 6 82435 Bad Bayersoien At the moment there are no fixed times for the services Information under www oberammergau evangelisch de Oberammergau Museum IM MATERIAL fabrics body and passion April 23rd to October 16th 2022 The Oberammergau Museum is one of the oldest and most beautiful cultural history museums in Bavaria A part of the museum will be rebuilt with the laminated folk costumes of the Passion Plays 2000 and 2010 The interi or which is thus covered will become a space for expe rience and reflection A large part of the small sculptures in the collection from the 17th 18th and 19th centuries depict the birth life suffering death and resurrection of Christ Through veiling alienation and light projec tions the view is directed to individual exhibits The path begins in the nativity scenes department leads through the historical rooms which were furnished in 1910 and ends in a large room installation The visitor enters and leaves the alienated area again and again The museum becomes a place of reflection on one s own imprints fe ars ideas and the question of redemption Finally each visitor receives a small piece of fabric from the former costumes of the people of Jerusalem as a symbol of im material exchange and community between people Oberammergau Museum Dorfstr 8 82487 Oberammergau 49 0 8822 94136 www oberammergaumuseum de Opening hours May 14th to August 14th 2022 on performance days 9am to 2pm and 5pm to 7 30pm August 15th to October 2nd 2022 on performance days 9am to 1 30pm and 4pm to 6 30pm

Vorschau Visitor Information -Ticket only Seite 14
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