14 2 5 3 Alpine Nature 2030 Creating ecological connectivity for generations to come 92 to establishing new conservation areas or nature friendly methods in sectors such as agriculture or in frastructure development one of the key components in the ecological connectivity toolkit is public per ception as it can signi cantly in uence project out come An example from Slovenia points to a potential disparity between the expected and desired costs and bene ts of the establishment of a new protected area and differences in perceptions between local stake holders and the proponents of park establishment Nastran 2015 A failure to involve important stake holders for example land owners before launching such initiatives can lead to distrust and unnecessary opposition and may jeopardise the success of such projects While the role of stakeholder participation in the Alpine region spatial planning has been gradually increasing it often has a pro forma nature as there is insuf cient knowledge and willingness to implement the appropri ate realisation of such approaches Nared et al 2015 When launching participatory processes it is important to provide skilled facilitation resources In order to cre ate or maintain a multi permeable landscape matrix that maintains and preserves connectivity within the Alps and their surrounding regions several different stake holder groups and governance levels have to be involved For many of them a paradigm shift is needed which can only be meaningfully communicated at a high political level for example the German energy transition Ener giewende At all levels and with all stakeholder groups politically motivated debates about the value of nature and the obligation to consider respective sectoral goals and needs are indispensable Facilitation to manage and mitigate con icts is likely to be needed Reed 2008 but such an elaborate and time consuming process will pay off in the long run if it results in the Alps becoming a model region for sustainable development Figure 5 Composition of stakeholders in a sample of biodiversity relevant ETC ASP projects Source 2014 blue advancing European projects reprinted from Biodiversity Stakeholder Networks in the Alpine Space Protected area management Experts on the topic Private sector business Public administration Energy Operators Tourism Association Private land owners Spatial Planning Authority Fishing Association Hunting Association Politicians National international Provincial Local Transportation Authority Farmers Association organic bio Farmers Association conventional 300250200150100500

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