14 2 5 3 36 Alpine Nature 2030 Creating ecological connectivity for generations to come but they are not convincing without a strong involve ment at the local level In the case of protected area regions one opportunity is to integrate their management planning into the management of surrounding landscapes based on an ecosystem approach which would lead to a more co herent integration of nature protection in the regional planning as a whole Moreover the private land uses especially by agriculture and forestry still need to be integrated in such approaches and planning concepts probably through participatory processes during the establishment of planning documents Parks and comparable structures may promote co operation between different municipalities or across borders but are in some cases faced with reluctance by municipal administrations to cooperate outside their own boundaries Furthermore cooperation may be hampered by unsupportive legal regimes and the operational possibilities of park administrations are sometimes constrained by a lack of legal authority Svadlenak Gomez et al 2014a The success of improving biodiversity conservation depends not only on the work of different stakeholders and decision makers but also relies heavily on the sup port of the local population and various stakeholder groups In order to gain their support or at least strong approval for complex issues of global importance such as ecological connectivity this subject must be com municated in a tailored fashion Public awareness and education is therefore funda mental to persuading decision makers and the global public to take action on conservation Biodiversity science may provide the foundations of understand ing and it is an essential basis for policy making However it rarely succeeds in inspiring public action on its own Sound science is fundamental to under standing the consequences of biodiversity loss It also has the potential to be a powerful incentive for conservation action but only if the global popula tion understands what science is saying and only if people care about what it means Svadlenak Gomez et al 2014a The challenge consists in convincing people on the grounds of scienti c knowledge to be part of the most important stakeholder group and to realise their ability to act and to in uence the evolution of our source of life to conserve biodiversity Laternser Tal Vorarlberg Austria
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