human migration But experience shows that fences do not solve any problems At most they show our weakness Let us hope that they will soon be removed that the fences like the many barriers af fecting ecological networks will ultimately be made passable again Innovative communicative individuals have already taken their chances crossing borders in the area of connectivity In the Eastern Alps in particular we have many examples This publication reports on these experiences and in this way ALPARC is kindly passing on its knowledge We are facing a herculean task in the eld of na ture conservation Connectivity presents us with a massive challenge I hope that this publication will nd interested open minded readers and that the constructive suggestions the authors propose will be taken up Thanks are due to the authors for their thoughts for the thinking they did before and after their projects but especially for the thinking they did outside of the box which is so important to our dif cult mission making a liveable world where people animals and plants can coexist And already we are facing new challenges It seems like the Iron Curtain after its fall had only just been repurposed as a part of the European Green Belt when new fences began to be put up through the middle of Europe These are meant to prevent Conflicts with returning large carnivores like the lyxn could be reduced by providing them less developed unspoilt habitats 11 Alpine Nature 2030 Creating ecological connectivity for generations to come
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