BGR Support for Mineral Certification Seite 25

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23 Established template for third party auditing of ASM in Africa Terms of reference accreditation and reporting standards for third party audits of ASM producers were developed Audit procedures applicable to the ASM sector and generating credible reproducible results were developed Robust evaluation framework including production plausibility checks Analytical Fingerprint AFP and cross verification procedures was designed in order to detect fraud attempts with respect to mineral origin Necessity for an audit review process to ensure acceptance of audit findings and thus certifica tion by all stakeholders was demonstrated Next Steps In March 2011 the Rwanda Bureau of Standards integrated the CTC standards into the national Mining and Quarrying Code of Practice as a basis for the broad scale implementation of the CTC scheme in Rwanda CTC standards have also been integrated into ICGLR mineral certification criteria and will thus be applicable across the entire Great Lakes Region of central Africa In this context BGR is going to support the further dissemination of CTC in the Great Lakes Region as part of the implementation of the ICGLR mineral certification system in selected member states through a new project which started in 2011 Contact Rwanda Dr Philip Schütte philip schuette bgr de Partner organization RWANDA GEOLOGY AND MINES AUTHORITY OGMR 22 2012 BGR Hannover 2012 BGR Hannover

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