BGR Support for Mineral Certification Seite 17

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15 How does it work How does CTC work The overall goal of the CTC concept is to assure indus trial consumers through certification that ASM mine ral producers mine and trade minerals according to accepted public standards The standards provide benefits and a sustainable development perspective for workers affected communities as well as local governments and meet international supply chain due diligence expectations on traceability and trans parency Standards are established through national and inter national consultations among the industry govern ment agencies civil society and other relevant stake holders Several rounds of consultation and feedback are required to arrive at a set of standards that is both practical and rigorous Importantly the standard set should be open for modifications once practical on the ground experience through CTC implementation provides lessons learned this has been the case in Rwanda Compliance of mine sites and supply chains with the standards is verified through an audit process which includes determining the strengths and weaknesses of individual mineral producers This allows the for mulation of improvement recommendations for the audited operation In the framework of the CTC pro jects these audits also serve as capacity building measures for the national authorities charged with mine inspections and provide a reality check for the developed certification standards as a basis for possible further refinement Throughout the process technical assistance is provided by BGR to mineral producers and their clients in order to follow up the improvement sugges tions established during the audit the progress on improvement is verified through a regular periodic audit process Audit reports form the basis for CTC certification of specific mine sites provided the au dited operation meets pre defined performance tar gets with regard to CTC standards Once operational CTC audit results will also feed into the ICGLR mine ral certification framework as far as national mine site certification is concerned Contact CTC in general Dr Gudrun Franken gudrun franken bgr de 14 2012 BGR Hannover 2012 BGR Hannover

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