In 2019 Germany celebrates 100 Years Bauhaus Bauhaus School was founded in Weimar in 1919 and existed for 14 years only Its principles and styles influence architecture arts and design still today Bauhaus merges design and craftsmanship it attempts to level the distinction between fine and applied arts and to reunite creativity and manufacturing Bauhaus is thus a role model for our endeavour to provide beautiful architecture and high quality craftsmanship and at the same time to deliver a sustainable building and use natural and non toxic materials only The motivation behind Bauhaus lay in the 19th century anxieties about the soulless manufacturing and products and in fears about art s loss of purpose in society Bauhaus aimed to unite creativity and manufacturing and to rejuvenate design for everyday life The same motivation and the aspiration to protect our environment by building energy efficient and healthy homes drives us at Stommel Haus to provide excellent products every day

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