Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 9

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Focus 7 UAE Food imports from 2009 to 2012 important product groups in US million HS Product 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 10 014 11 163 13 645 13 150 08 Fruits Nuts 1 065 1 303 1 427 1 571 02 Meat 972 1 090 1 362 1 476 12 Oil seeds 1 005 723 1 416 1 417 10 Cereals 1 580 1 674 1 810 1 360 04 Dairy products 890 976 1 170 1 331 07 Vegetables etc 745 881 979 873 15 Animal or vegetable fats and oils 442 499 864 715 21 Miscellaneous edible preparations 517 594 625 693 19 Preparations of cereals flour etc 429 468 561 643 17 Sugar sugar preparations 225 358 451 619 20 Preparations of vegetables fruits etc 309 353 427 452 all product groups Source Ministry of Economy irrigation system would require very high investments it seems highly probable that the fast growing food requirements will lead to a further decline in self sufficiency ratios According to the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development AOAD only about 2 per cent of the GCC area was used for agriculture purposes cultivated area in 2011 FOOD IMPORTS ON THE RISE In the UAE food imports fell by 3 6 per cent to US 13 2 billion HS chapter 01 to 23 in 2012 The decrease was due to a decline in grain imports by 24 7 per cent US 1 4 billion However significant increases were registered for fruits and nuts by 10 1 US 1 6 billion for meat by 8 4 per cent US 1 5 billion and for dairy products by 13 8 per cent US 1 3 billion Leading foodstuff supplying countries for the UAE in 2012 were India the USA Brazil Saudi Arabia Pakistan and Australia Kuwait s foreign trade data HS Sections I to IV for 2012 show a slight decline in foodstuff imports by 0 8 per cent to US 4 2 billion 2011 US 4 3 billion 2010 US 3 5 billion Based on incomplete data an increase of 8 per cent US 4 6 billion is estimated for 2013 The grain imports rose in 2013 by 5 1 per cent to hit US 574 million Dairy products grew by 14 3 per cent to register US 542 million Meat increased by 20 5 per cent US 570 million fruits and nuts by 3 6 per cent US 404 million Top exporting countries were India Saudi Arabia Brazil Australia the USA and the UAE Oman s foodstuff imports in 2012 grew by 15 6 per cent to reach a new record of US 2 54 billion SITC divisions 00 to 11 Dairy products and cereals with a value of US 0 5 billion each were imported followed by fruits and vegetables US 0 4 billion meat and meat products US 0 3 billion and coffee tea etc US 0 2 billion According to Oman s statistics the UAE are the main food supplier 2012 US 0 64 billion mostly re exports channelled through the trading hub Dubai In 2012 foodstuff imports from India were reported at US 0 27 billion main products cereals meat from Saudi Arabia at US 0 15 billion dairy products vegetables and fruits and from Brazil US at US 0 13 billion meat After several years of strong growth Qatar s foodstuff imports witnessed only a slight increase in 2013 of 2 1 per cent with a value of US 2 44 billion SITC divisions 00 to 11 Foreign deliveries of vegetables and fruits grew to US 454 million 2012 US 394 million Major supplying countries were India US 51 million Saudi Arabia US 39 million the UAE US 31 million Egypt US 28 million and the United States US 23 million Meat imports were valued at US 415 million 2012 US 407 million mainly sourced from Brazil US 152 million Australia US 77 million the USA US 40 million Saudi Arabia US 39 million and India US 28 million Qatar imported grain and grain products in 2013 for US 365 million 2012 US 372 million and dairy products for US 338 million 2012 US 299 million German foodstuff exports According to Eurostat the German foodstuff deliveries to the GCC region have jumped in 2013 by 61 per cent to US 1 2 billion 929 million SITC divisions 00 to 11 This increase was due to the higher grain shipments to Saudi Arabia Without grain the German food exports to the GCC countries in 2013 were 360 million approximately the same value as 2012 The German share of the total foreign food deliveries to the GCC region is estimated at less than 3 per cent 2013 For comparison the EU28 group reached 19 per cent US 8 8 billion and the United States 5 per cent US 2 5 billion A leading German food importer SAUDI ARABIA HAS INCREASED ITS FOOD IMPORTS BETWEEN 2008 AND 2012 BY 65 PER CENT TO US 19 0 BILLION

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