ANNOUNCEMENT 4 In a region where customisation is the ultimate expression of individuality and luxury there is a predominance of German brands enjoying a good and trustworthy reputation all thanks to an excellent understanding of building best brands anchored on a solid history of German engineering The role of the AHK here is to connect these German brands with each other and give their members the chance to profit from the wide network Hartmann Tresore a successful medium sized business from Paderborn is one such brand seeking to leave a lasting impression in this emerging region With over 200 years of exceptional craftsmanship and state of the art German technology Hartmann s high security safes adhere to the most stringent of European standards Products like Hartmann s hotel and RI FH VDIHV UHSUHVHQWLQJ WKH PRUH traditional Hartmann safes were successfully launched in the region in 2010 Consumer acceptance was more than encouraging as people started to embrace the German brand for its line of impeccably well crafted products supported by its excellent customer service But refusing to sit on its success the brand was keen to further expand its reach in search of new target groups in untapped market segments Using this as the motivation to extend Hartmann s outstanding German legacy in the region the brand sought to transform its former Exclusive Line into a stronger and more luxurious sub brand This meant catering to a specific and affluent target market in the Middle East and offering them a product line that distinctly values an attitude of luxury and customisation To realise this goal Hartmann Tresore Middle East General Manager Reiner Kaltenbach and Marketing Manager Agnes Rohde approached the Dubai office of the AHK With the help of AHK s marketing team they connected with Germany s leading independent agency network Serviceplan International Serviceplan Middle East also member of the AHK Dubai was commissioned to create and develop a strategic plan to launch the sub brand with the power to conquer the highly lucrative new market segment in the region But this was just the beginning of a bigger plan to export the sub brand into other markets including Germany France Switzerland Poland and Italy The strategy was based on four major pillars name communication website and launch of the new sub brand Firstly the name of the new sub brand had to be unique in its segment understandable by the new target group and competitive as well as adaptable to other countries and languages After a couple of discussions a market study and an assesment of the competitors the name was found Signature Safes E DUWPDQQ 7KH QDPH KLJKO UHÀHFWV the product line s biggest attribute the fact that every safe can be customised and is therefore unique for its owners The communication approach was also new for Hartmann Tresore The former products mainly focused on B2B approaches with hotels and big industry groups as main customers For AHK facilitates new partnership Hartmann Tresore and Serviceplan Middle East launch new sub brand Agnes Rohde Marketing Manager at Hartmann Tresore Middle East the new sub brand the whole approach focussed on a pure B2C approach resonating with individuals who are able to afford a luxury safe and are looking for a unique piece of art The style of the website www signature safes com also had to fit the entire concept A new sleek and modern design was chosen to showcase the uniqueness of the customisable safe concept giving customers the possibility to order one of the masterpieces online The launch of the new sub brand was planned to be special and fitting to the brand as well Hartmann and the agency choose the Vault at the JW Marriott Marquis Hotel in Dubai to celebrate the launch of a new era in Hartmann s history 80 high profile guests were treated to an experience of security and luxury at the exclusive launch event which took place on the 12th October Mr Hartmann the owner and CEO of Hartmann Tresore from Paderborn said In Dubai we found a cooperation partner with whom we were able to launch our new sub brand Signature Safes by Hartmann in such a great city and environment The new brand stands for luxury and customization two values which perfectly fit the region and the mind set of its affluent consumers We hope to reach new target markets with this brand and to spread the word of our exceptional craftsmanship throughout the Middle East and other regions in the world IN DUBAI WE FOUND A COOPERATION PARTNER WITH WHOM WE WERE ABLE TO LAUNCH OUR NEW SUB BRAND SIGNATURE SAFES BY HARTMANN