Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 5

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Interview 3 of the UAE and in due course the entire world is now present in this market As a result the competition is very high I think our company grew consistently stronger over those years because we always based our work and decisions upon our first principles and never forgot them This of course applies as well to all other markets which we are also covering since we are serving not only the UAE but the entire region eg Saudi Arabia Kuwait Qatar Bahrain Oman Pakistan Afghanistan India Maldives Seychelles East Africa and Sri Lanka when appropriate and in accordance to our agreements Have you faced any challenges in importing or distributing We always import our products in accordance with the import rules and regulations of the UAE Those regulations must be followed and implemented in great detail and with precision otherwise goods will have to be returned or destroyed Generally this has never been a challenge for our company What are the main criteria for you to decide to import a certain food product into the UAE The goods should always be of high quality price competitive and compliant to the UAE import rules and regulations Additionally a solid commitment and co operation with our suppliers is a must With the UAE being so multicultural how do you know a product will be successful There are always risks involved when importing new products Throughout our 22 years of experience in the food and beverage market we gained considerable expertise in evaluating market potential We always conduct very detailed market researches Additionally we involve our existing customers closely those operating in the retail wholesale and HORECA segments asking them to evaluate potential products We always take their suggestions and considerations seriously What do you like most about living and working here Over the years I have come to appreciate more and more the market dynamics the speed at which the markets are evolving and the new ideas the UAE market is generating due to its worldwide influence It is an exciting place where everyone always needs to adjust to new concepts and this not only professionally but personally too I enjoy always adapting to new tasks the higher the challenges the greater will be the rewards What are the company s targets for the next years Are any new German brands being launched in the region Certainly as the UAE market is growing constantly we always have to be open to new products brands and concepts I regularly travel to Germany in this respect I will be in Germany again at the end of this month to meet up with future potential suppliers What are the latest consumer trends in the UAE Were there any changes in the food market in the past years Next to classical food brands there is a tendency towards specialty food products The key issue here lies in WKH ÀH LELOLW RI WKH PDQXIDFWXUHU DQG the potential of the individual market niche Additionally the UAE market is becoming increasingly competitive and therefore new market entries require high market investments from all parties involved As Board Member of the AHK what advice do you have for German companies entering the market Before entering the UAE market companies should obtain good and solid market data based on their professional expertise It s always wise to involve locally known and reputable institutions like the AHK and its related partners they have a track record and have been established in the UAE for years Additionally potential market entrants should be ready for a level of pre investment and be patient To establish a solid future focused business is a long term target and it ZRQ W KDSSHQ LQ WKH UVW HDU BEFORE ENTERING THE UAE MARKET COMPANIES SHOULD ALWAYS OBTAIN GOOD AND SOLID MARKET DATA GAAST S PRODUCT RANGE

Vorschau Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 5