Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 45

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Trade fairs Oman Set to be held from March 30 to April 2 2015 at the Oman International Exhibition Centre the show will see an increase in the number of participating companies Based on the overwhelming response from the exhibitors and trade visitors of the 2014 edition event organiser Omanexpo is preparing a platform that will see the introduction of more and new companies that represent the show s new segments such as pool and spa water technologies green energy and mechanical electrical and plumbing According to Fehmi Ouaja Exhibition Manager The BIG Show for the 2015 edition of the event people could expect to see more investment in free to attend high quality seminars and workshops coupled with a more diverse trade audience and H KLELWRU SUR OHV The BIG Show set for March 2015 The 2015 edition of The BIG Show the recognised and established building construction and interior design event in Oman will be the biggest one to date following a successful 11th edition in March 2014 For more information please contact 1st Floor SABCO Building Wattayah Muscat Sultanate of Oman P O Box 20 Postal Code 117 Tel 968 24660124 I Fax 968 24660125 126 info omanexpo com www omanexpo com If we attract more potential buyers by providing new products and latest technologies in the market then we know that our exhibitors and sponsors will have the opportunity to meet more potential customers he added The 2014 edition was a record breaking event for Omanexpo with more than 13 000 visitors a 20 per cent increase in exhibitor participation both local and international strengthening our drive to offer the best experience for both our exhibitors and visitors With the construction industry showing signs of continuous growth and the government investing further in major infrastructure projects worth USD 78 billion the other vital related sectors such as tourism real estate and logistics DUH DOVR LQ WKH SRVLWLRQ WR DFKLHYH VLJQL FDQW progress The BIG Show is at an advantage to leverage this local and regional growth and SURYLGH DYHQXHV WKDW DUH VLJQL FDQW WR WKH continuing development of the economy Under the auspices of His Excellency Ahmed bin Abdullah bin Mohammed Al Shehhi Minister of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources

Vorschau Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 45