Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 43

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Trade fairs UAE Contact in your country www iba de en contact Munich Meeting place for experts from the baking confectionery and snack food industry From 12 17 9 2015 national and international industry experts come together at iba 2015 The diverse ran ge of products presented at iba inclu ding not only products from the bake ry and confectionery sectors but also hot topics like snack foods and coffee turns it into a vibrant meeting place for the industry The world s leading trade fair showcases the latest innova tions and technical developments and allows them to be experienced in live demonstrations Digital is a medium that breaks barriers of monotony and brings to the forefront exciting new avenues As signage and innovation are inextricably related the signage industry and the world of innovation will blend seamlessly during the 18th edition of SGI Dubai 2015 with their tagline SIGNOVATION SGI Dubai will bring together digital entrepreneurs from across the world and will provide an ideal platform to access core business contacts in this area A few key elements of SGI Dubai include HDWXUH VRPH RI WKH PRVW JURXQG breaking and innovative technologies in digital The road to SIGNOVATION SGI Dubai the largest B2B specialised trade event in the MEASA region will be held at the Dubai World Trade Centre from January 11 to 13 2015 signage that are making an impact across the world 3OD KRVW WR D FRQJUHJDWLRQ RI KDUGZDUH DQG software providers content developers system integrators service and or content and 3D technologies ULQJ WRJHWKHU WKH OHDGLQJ FRPSDQLHV IURP around the world offering digital signage solutions QKDQFH NQRZOHGJH ZLWK VHPLQDUV E LQGXVWU experts in the signage industry 3URYLGH D G QDPLF DQG RSHQ HQYLURQPHQW IRU H KLELWRUV DQG YLVLWRUV WR QG WKH SHUIHFW VROXWLRQ for their needs The German Emirati Joint Council for Industry and Commerce AHK is promoting SGI in the German market Contact Zenobia Chiba on zenobia chiba ahkuae com 971 4 4470100

Vorschau Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 43