Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 41

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39 Trade fairs Berlin BAZAAR BERLIN Formerly known as Import Shop Berlin Bazaar Berlin has presented itself for more than 50 years as a Global Market for local products Importers exporters and manufacturers of arts and crafts from around the globe gather and meet with wholesalers retailers agents and consumers each November at Bazaar Berlin Products on display at the upcoming edition from 12 16 November 2014 are clothing household textiles leather goods accessories travel items small furniture rugs kilims basketry ceramics glassware porcelain arts crafts jewellery costume jewellery ethnic jewellery knitwear natural cosmetics wooden toys from all over the world GRÜNE WOCHE INTERNATIONAL GREEN WEEK BERLIN International Green Week Berlin is the world s biggest fair for food agriculture and horticulture has a long Contact Kerstin Abed on kerstin abed ahkuae com 971 4 447 0100 Championing trade fairs In January 2015 the German Emirati Joint Council for Industry and Commerce AHK aims to considerably expand its portfolio of Messe Berlin GmbH trade shows and become the official representative for most of the organiser s shows in Berlin and worldwide Wasser Berlin International 2015 the 26th edition of the water management trade fair and congress will take place on 0DUFK LQ HUOLQ HUPDQ AHK Qatar is the official representative of Wasser Berlin for Bahrain Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Oman Qatar Syria UAE and Yemen Wasser Berlin International is one of the best known international trade fairs for water wastewater and pipeline construction It s a prime meeting place for the water Wasser Berlin International 2015 simply the place to be One of the world s well known fairs for water and pipeline management Wasser Berlin International is home to leading edge dialogue a wealth of fresh ideas and visitors from nearly 100 nations Will you be one of them industry occupying a total exhibition space of 36 000 sqm This is the place to be for science technology municipal authorities and industry The last edition of the show was outstandingly well attended featuring 603 exhibitors and 22 390 trade visitors from 94 countries This year the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy BMWi is supporting the participation of innovative new companies Any newly founded innovative company in the water wastewater or infrastructure industry based in the Federal Republic of Germany is eligible to apply and obtain funding In addition Wasser Berlin International and the Arab Countries Water Utilities Association ACWUA have agreed to a strategic partnership At Wasser Berlin International 2015 the association will be organising D FRPELQHG GLVSOD RI LWV DI OLDWHG UDE countries as well as visits by high ranking delegations to the fair Contact Anna Kristin Krönert on anna kronert ahkqatar com 971 4 431 1152 tradition Established in 1926 it will celebrate its 80th anniversary from January 16 to 25 2015 IGW is not only a meeting place for producers from all over the world it also hosts the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture GFFA which will be attended by more than 65 ministers from the food agriculture and horticulture industry Consumer trends regional sourcing organic agricultural renewable resources rural development and gardening are topics that play an increasingly important role at International Green Week FRUIT LOGISTICA Fruit Logistica is a unique marketplace for the fresh produce business The event will see the gathering of importers and exporters fruit and vegetable producers wholesalers and retailers packaging and handling specialists transport and logistic specialists and many more It will be held in Berlin from February 4 to 6 2015 with a goal to develop and expand international business More than 2 600 exhibitors and 62 000 trade visitors attend Fruit Logistica every year ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA Asia Fruit Logistica Asia s leading trade show for the international fresh fruit and vegetable business is set to take place in Hong Kong from September 2 to 4 2015 The event will be accompanied by the Asiafruit Congress which will take place one day before the trade show Asia Fruit Logistica will be an LGHDO SODWIRUP IRU FRPSDQLHV DVSLULQJ WR EHQH W IURP the growing Asian markets for fresh produce and the related value chain to scout for new products and varieties and establishing new business contacts

Vorschau Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 41