38 Trade fairs Munich BAU World s Leading Trade Fair for Architecture Materials and Systems opens its doors again from 19 24 January 2015 in Munich Germany Taking place every two years BAU showcases the entire range of architecture materials and systems for industrial commercial and residential construction and for interior works The range is divided according to building material product and theme areas key themes for the future such as sustainable building play an important role in all sections of the exhibition With over 2 000 exhibitors from 46 countries BAU occupies the entire exhibition VLWH RI 0HVVH 0 QFKHQ OOLQJ DOO KDOOV DQG 4 entrance areas in total 180 000 m of gross exhibition space The event is considered to be the world s number one for construction design and a gathering place for global architects and engineers Another key feature of BAU is the extensive supporting program consisting of forums focusing on several current and future topics from the industry Online ticket sales are now open Purchase your tickets in advance and save on money and time SPIELWARENMESSE is where international toy markets come together every year In 2015 from 28 Jan 2 Feb renowned brands trendy start ups buyers of large chains independent retailers and a plethora of media representatives will gather in Nuremberg once again making Spielwarenmesse the most important event IRU WKH WR VHFWRU LVFRYHU H KLELWRUV from over 60 countries including 860 exhibitors QRW SUHVHQW DW DQ RWKHU IDLU YLVLWRUV from more than 120 countries attend the fair including 25 000 visitors who only visit the Spielwarenmesse to witness the 1 million products ZKLFK ZLOO EH RQ GLVSOD RXW RI ZKLFK DUH new products Spielwarenmesse is much more than just toys The extensive product categories DUH EURDGO FODVVL HG EXW QRW OLPLWHG WR 0RGHO Construction Hobbies and Model Railways and Accessories Technical Toys Educational Toys Action Toys Dolls Soft Toys Games Books Learning and Experimenting Multimedia Festive Articles Carnival Fireworks Wooden Toys and Craftworks Fashionable and Trendy Articles School Articles Stationery Creative Design Sports Leisure and Outdoor Products and Baby and Infant Articles TRANSPORT LOGISTIC KDV UPO HVWDEOLVKHG itself as the leading International Exhibition for Logistics Mobility IT and Supply Chain Management Taking place in a two year cycle alternating with transport logistic China the next edition will be from 5 8 May 2015 in Munich Germany The event presents the entire value chain and the major international market leaders out of the transport and logistics sector 52 000 trade visitors among them a high proportion of executives with decision making powers on investment from 110 countries gathered at the last event in 2013 To add to its portfolio two unmissable events for all experts in the transport of goods by air and sea take place simultaneously i e Air Cargo Europe and mariLOG In 2013 transport logistic was supported by the intralogistics H SHUWLVH RI H0 7 DQRYHU IRU WKH UVW WLPH Around 125 companies involved in intralogistics warehouse management systems auto ID and packaging took up this opportunity of presenting their solutions to the international trade audience in Munich In 2015 the cooperation enters the next round The fair is also accompanied by an extensive conference programme about newsworthy trends innovations and future markets Contact Sruthi Sreedharan on Sruthi S ahkuae com 971 4 447 0100