Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 4

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Interview 2 How did you come into the food business I have always been interested in high quality food products When I arrived 22 years ago in the UAE the international food and beverage selection certainly was not as vast as it is today Based XSRQ P QGLQJV DQG LGHDV FRQYLQFHG my Saudi Arabian partners to establish and specialize in this market segment successfully How long have you been in the Middle East 22 years and so far I have enjoyed every year The hospitality friendships and values of the UAE society are remarkable I also appreciate the safe business environment and its dynamics What are the biggest differences between the German and the Middle Eastern market The German food and beverage market is concentrated on German products and only a limited percentage originates from other parts of the world In contrast the Middle Eastern market shows only a limited local production scale and most food products are imported this is because of our regional desert environment How has your business evolved since the time you started Do you only serve the UAE or other countries in the Gulf region as well From day one of having established our business in the UAE I strongly believed that only as a result of competitive products committed and honest partnerships and especially hard work can success be achieved in this country Over the years we experienced the substantial growth Quest for quality AHK spoke with Mazen Khourdaji CEO of Ghassan Ahmed Al Sulaiman Trading GAAST a privately owned trading company based in the Middle East specialised in importing and distributing high quality foodstuffs from Europe and the USA on an exclusive basis i e as exclusive distributor Its head office Administration is based in Dubai UAE Mazen Khourdaji CEO of Ghassan Ahmed Al Sulaiman Trading GAAST

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