37 AHK supporting partner What is your view on the German UAE pharma industry growth From our perspective we have seen German companies contribution to the UAE economy in many different sectors The pharmaceutical market of the UAE was valued at AED7 02bn USD1 91bn in 2013 and BMI forecasts the market to grow at a 10 year compound annual growth rate CAGR of 5 9 to reach a market value of AED12 47bn USD3 40bn in 2023 Given the growth of the pharmaceutical industry in the region we only see a substantial growth of the industry in both the countries What is your view on the strengthening ties between the UAE and Germany German companies on the whole I think are doing all they can to support their counterparts here in the UAE reap the EHQH WV RI EXVLQHVV LQYHVWPHQWV LQ WKH 8 DV ZHOO DV H SRUWLQJ WKH JOREDO practices Strategic partnerships between Germany and the UAE are and will only strengthen given the kind of activities DQG GLYHUVL FDWLRQ ERWK WKH FRXQWULHV DUH working towards The UAE is already seeking a lot of German investments and opportunities for further growth In particular there are multiple factors that will continue to strengthen the ties between the UAE and Germany moving forward such as strong infrastructure free zone offerings and a trade corridor between the developing and emerging markets What are the global best practices brought by Boehringer Ingelheim to the local market Boehringer Ingelheim has been usually close to the health authorities and healthcare professionals not only in the UAE but also in the region to support the local unmet needs We are committed to bringing global practices through LQWHUQDWLRQDO H SHUWV IXHOOLQJ LQQRYDWLRQ and knowledge transfer We also work hard to support the healthcare community to develop strategies for better treatment and implementation of disease management through awareness and education Given that R D is at the core of Boehringer Ingelheim we are focused on bringing these global best practices to the region and encouraging the future scientists of tomorrow Very recently we launched a regional corporate social responsibility program aiming at enhancing research and development 5 VFLHQWL F WUDLQLQJ DQG EXLOGLQJ on educational partnership for students LQ WKH HOG RI VFLHQWL F UHVHDUFK DQG health sciences This program is planned in collaboration with different academia and has been kicked off in the UAE in partnership with the University of Sharjah At Boehringer Ingelheim we believe that we work of a noble cause and corporate social responsibility is a core foundation of our success Additionally addressing the need to continually improve the quality of stroke management in the MENA region and save patients lives Boehringer Ingelheim in collaboration with Safe Implementation of Treatment in Stroke SITS a world wide collaboration to support quality development of stroke management German Stoke Society and the Emirates Neurology Society organized a two day regional stroke conference in Dubai Through this initiative Boehinger Ingelheim upkeeps its support for enhancing and developing the standards and quality of stroke centers and registry in the UAE How can BI contribute to the healthcare industry and what has been adopted in the Middle East region For almost 129 years research and development R D has been the foundation of Boehringer Ingelheim s and what really drives us As I mentioned earlier it continues to be the major driver of innovative new medicines that help improve patients lives and address unmet therapeutic needs Our privately held status affords us the opportunity to think long term about our health care and pharmaceutical R D commitments in a way that is best suited to meet the unique challenges and long cycles of drug discovery and development Our constant quest for innovation through research is not limited to our own discoveries but includes successful ongoing collaborations ZLWK H WHUQDO SDUWQHUV UDQJLQJ IURP academic institutions to biopharmaceutical enterprises start up companies and entrepreneurs In particular Boehringer Ingelheim has taken a conscious decision to look at the potential of the Middle East for clinical research as we found that there are some countries where the infrastructure is very well developed and up to par with other global clinical research centers We selected the disease areas of oncology diabetes respiratory and cardiovascular due to their high prevalence rates in the region This is only our incursion into clinical research LQ WKHVH PDUNHWV DQG ZH DUH H FLWHG because we still see great potential to develop further trials in the future Man with a vision Karim El Alaoui Mustapha Managing Director of Boehringer Ingelheim Middle East Turkey Africa