34 Inside AHK This time AHK celebrated at three glittering locations the iconic Burj Al Arab Dubai the traditional Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding SMCCU Dubai and in the beautiful surroundings of the Cove Rotana Ras Al Khaimah alongside the AHK RAK Chapter In order to expand its horizons and celebrate in a truly united spirit the AHK invited various business councils to join the events to be held in Dubai this year These included the American Business Council of Dubai Northern Emirates Australian Business Council Dubai Belgian Business Council Canadian Business Council of Dubai and Northern Emirates French Business Council Dubai and Northern Emirates Italian Business Council Dubai Northern Emirates South African Business Council SABCO and the Swiss Business Council Dubai The Burj Al Arab Iftar took place on July 7 2014 at Al Falak Ballroom and the adjacent sites It turned out to be one of AHK s most successful events with over hundred esteemed guests who HQMR HG WKH PDJQL FHQW VHW XS GHOLFLRXV food and most of all the opportunity to mingle with colleagues from various nations AHK would like to complement the Burj Al Arab for this memorable event as well as express gratitude to the generous sponsors Bank of Sharjah P S C Hamburg Tourist Board DQGHVEDQN DGHQ UWWHPEHUJ DQG XIWKDQVD HUPDQ LUOLQHV for their continuous support A week after the grandiose Burj Al UDE IWDU JDWKHUHG LWV PL HG community members together in a popular cultural spot the historic Al Fahidi District of Bur Dubai Organised jointly every year the Iftar at SMCCU is certainly a PXFK DZDLWHG SDUW RI WKH 5DPDGDQ season The unique hospitality delightful Emirati cuisine and spiritual atmosphere make the event a huge success every year AHK celebrates the Holy Month of Ramadan Following its annual tradition the German Emirati Joint Council for Industry Commerce AHK organised a unique programme for the Ramadan season for its members partners and friends AHK WOULD LIKE TO THANK ITS HOSTS SPONSORS GUESTS AND EVERYONE INVOLVED FOR MAKING RAMADAN 2014 SUCH A MEMORABLE TIME In the Northern Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah the annual Business Networking Iftar organised by the AHK RAK Chapter took place on July 16th 2014 in The Cove Rotana The event was attended by a significant QXPEHU RI JXHVWV IURP WKH HUPDQ and local business community and was honoured by the presence of His Highness Sheikh Ahmad bin Saqer Al Qasemi Chairman of the Ras Al Khaimah Free Trade Zone Authority Haver Middle East InvestiQ 4XDUU 0LQLQJ 5 HUPDQ Engineering and the Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority supported the event