31 Food beverage business directory FRORXU IDVWQHVV UHTXLUHPHQWV 7KH DUH FHUWL HG under OEKO TEX EU ECOLABEL and REACH guidelines making them one of the safest fabrics for use in work wear garments Call today for a trial Landesbank Baden Württemberg LBBW 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH 2I FH 0LGGOH DVW Contact 5DELH 5D D P O Box 506712 Dubai International Financial Centre Dubai UAE Phone 971 4 323 0650 Email 5DELH 5D D OEEZ GH Website www lbbw de Landesbank Baden Württemberg is Germany s biggest Landesbank Present in 20 countries the LBBW s network gives our customers orientation and security RQ WKH LQWHUQDWLRQDO VFHQH H SURYLGH QDQFH VROXWLRQV IRU H SRUW DQG LPSRUW DFWLYLWLHV SURMHFW QDQFH GRFXPHQWDU EXVLQHVV DQG RWKHU QDQFLQJ QHHGV 2XU LQWHUQDWLRQDO RI FHV VWDII NQRZ ERWK WKH HUPDQ DQG the local cultural and business environment and are in a position to offer solutions tailored to our customers needs Together with our colleagues in Germany our XEDL 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH 2I FH ZLOO SURYLGH D EURDG UDQJH of support for your business needs in the GCC and wider Middle East region Moevenpick Hotel Jumeirah Beach Contact Manal El Matni P O Box 282825 Jumeirah Beach Residence Dubai Phone 971 4 449 8888 Email manal elmatni moevenpick com www moevenpick hotels com dubai jumeirah beach Mövenpick Hotel Jumeirah Beach sits in the heart of Jumeirah Beach Residence featuring four restaurants and lounges Radisson Royal Hotel Dubai Contact Pinar Kirlar Kaya P O Box 9940 Dubai UAE Phone 971 4 308 0000 Email info royaldubai radissonblu com Website www radisson com royal dubai A 5 star hotel on the central Sheikh Zayed Road offering 471 rooms and suites spa restaurants and meeting rooms RAK Investment Authority Contact Aseeb Abdul Khader P O Box 31291 Jazeera Al Hamra Ras Al Khaimah UAE Phone 971 7 206 8666 Email info rakinvestmentauthority com Website www rak ia com RAKIA offers competitive free zone non free zone facilities with low operating costs excellent facilities high living standards and investor friendly policies Royal Catering Services LLC Contact Samer Simreen P O Box 73085 Abu Dhabi UAE Phone 971 2 496 3200 Email info royalcatering ae Website www royalcatering ae One of the leading caterers in the region our hospitality expertise exceeds the needs of large scale HYHQWV FDWHULQJ ZKLOH VSHFLDOLVLQJ LQ QH GLQLQJ DQG high end contemporary cuisine Schlüter Graf Rechtsanwälte Contact Ulf Gregor Schulz P O Box 29337 Dubai UAE Phone 971 4 431 3060 Email dubai schlueter graf com Website www schlueter graf de 6 h7 5 5 5HFKWVDQZlOWH LV D ODZ UP consisting of a team of 27 lawyers and notaries with ODZ RI FHV LQ RUWPXQG HUPDQ DQG XEDL 8 as well as cooperation partners in the entire Middle East We advise and represent clients from all major industries and ensure complete cross border legal advice for companies doing business in the Middle East and or Germany covering both international as well as domestic Arabic and German law Our ODZ UP KDV DGYLVHG QXPHURXV KLJK SUR OH IRRG beverage providers in the Middle East and Europe Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel Resort Contact Judith Pasztor Duffy P O Box 640 Corniche Road Abu Dhabi UAE Phone 971 2 677 3333 Email Sheraton abudhabi sheraton com Website www sheratonabudhabihotel com A 5 star resort hotel in Abu Dhabi situated on the Abu Dhabi Corniche offering 272 beautifully appointed guest rooms overlooking the Arabian Gulf and close to the Abu Dhabi business district 6R WHO XEDL XPHLUDK HDFK Contact Florance Stankova P O Box 473828 JBR The Walk Dubai UAE Phone 971 4 448 4848 Email 6R WHO FRP Website ZZZ VR WHO GXEDL MXPHLUDKEHDFK FRP 6R WHO XEDL XPHLUDK HDFK LV ULVLQJ PDJQL FHQWO from Dubai s Jumeirah Beach Residence in The Walk and the new beachfront leisure and retail destination The Beach The elegant 438 rooms and suites are each open onto a private balcony with views over the Arabian Gulf With a variety of dining offers a dedicated QVSLUHG0HHWLQJV ÀRRU LQFOXGLQJ D EDOOURRP DQG four meeting rooms a sea view pool and So FIT health club the hotel attracts business and leisure guests at this extraordinary destination The Cove Rotana Resort Ras Al Khaimah Contact Andreas Mueller P O Box 34429 Ras Al Khaimah UAE Phone 971 7 206 6000 Email cove resort rotana com website www rotana com thecoverotanaresort Combining intimacy comfort and exclusivity with the personalised service and attention to detail that are the hallmarks of Rotana the Cove Rotana UHGH QHV WKH UHVRUW H SHULHQFH