28 Oman The country of Oman has a total landmass of 30 95m ha However only a small part of the total landmass around 1 77m ha is arable land And only 41 per cent of the arable country can be used for cultivation The two major locations for cultivation are located in the Al Batinah coastal plain in the North of Oman and the Dhofar region in the South West of Oman The unique climate in the southern region of Dhofar makes the area very attractive for crop production The occasional rain in Salalah the capital of the province Dhofar and the monsoon season makes the arable land very fertile With the help of efficient water and fertilizer management crop production can be intensified The price changes in the oil sector and the occurrence of increasing industrial growth have caused a slightly lower agricultural contribution to GDP from 2 8 per cent in 1995 to 1 1 per cent in 2012 However this development does not reflect the actual outcome of the agricultural sector In 2011 agricultural production achieved a new maximum of 1 39m tonnes but in 2012 the output decreased slightly to 1 25m tonnes In its eighth five year plan 2011 2015 the Omani government pursues the aim to boost the agricultural sector by providing 200m OMR 520m USD for agricultural and fisheries spending More than four per cent of the development plan s budget should be used for both sectors It also stresses the importance to focus on infrastructure projects to support the agricultural sector as well as growth strategies and pest control measures Lastly both sectors are targeted to contribute to GDP by 5 1 per cent in 2020 Crop production Vegetable production increased from 192 100 tonnes in 2009 to 193 072 tonnes in 2012 Over the same time fruit production increased from 319 000 to 350 646 tonnes and the outcome of field crop grew from 46 037 to 48 400 Perennial fodder also increased from 630 500 in 2009 to 658 089 tonnes in 2012 Dates are the major crop in Oman From 2009 to 2012 the harvest increased by 18 396 tonnes The turnover generated by the harvest in 2012 was 52 7m OMR 137m USD Further important crop yields cultivated in 2012 in the Sultanate were tomatoes 193 072 tonnes cucumbers 41 223 tonnes corn 28 229 tonnes watermelon 16 908 tonnes and fodder crops for instance Rhode grass 334 232 tonnes and alfalfa 276 964 tonnes Livestock Beside the crop production livestock and livestock products also play an important role in the agricultural sector Statistics reveal continuous growth for both segments For example the output in the livestock segment in 2012 was primarily goat 1 79m followed by sheep 404 111 cattle 346 260 and camels 134 800 Unlocking potential Oman s agricultural sector Majlis investigates the Omani government s eighth five year plan and how it aims to raise agricultural and fisheries output