27 Focus Oman The Public Authority for Stores and Food Reserves PASFR was established in 1980 Its main role is to warehouse and redistribute basic food commodities for all nationals and expatriates The PASFR s chief objective is to construct stores and warehouses for basic commodities maintaining a minimum reserve constantly and preparing a food distribution plan for contingencies This enables the government to intervene in the market in cases of economic crisis or critical environmental conditions A measure H amida Said Al Esry an Omani entrepreneur launched a small business making date fruit confectionary in aesthetically designed packaging called Kaleit Dates in March 2014 Inspiration to undertake a business Dalia Zayed Head of Business Development and Governmental Affairs German Industry and Commerce Office AHK Oman The taste of success How women in Oman are initiating SME business ideas using traditional food crops venture that involves the date fruit came easy for her The date palm is easily the most significant crop in Oman valued for its social religious and agricultural importance Furthermore the date tree has been intertwined in the Arab culture for many years and has been highly revered in the holy books There are many varieties of the date fruit in the Sultanate of Oman where the type and name changes from location to location however the best date fruit is Khalas known for its distinctive superior taste Kaleit Dates has selected this type of date sourced from local Omani farmers to create an unsurpassed product bringing out the finest of Omani taste Kaleit Dates has combined this Omani delicacy with traditional cooking methods and complimented it with innovative ideas such as various types of dried fruit fillings and assorted toppings such as mixed nut chocolate coconut and seeds pumpkin sunflower sesame etc Kaleit Dates Paul Danzer Intern at German Industry and Commerce Office AHK Oman to respond to eventual emergencies is to warehouse a minimum amount of basic food commodities and then to make it available for everybody In regards to floating prices due to changes in supply and demand the PASFR also attempts to stabilise prices meet domestic demand and keep prices affordable His Excellency Dr Rashid bin 6DOLP O 0DVURRUL 2 RI 3 6 5 announced recently that the authority intends to develop a brand for basic food goods including rice lentil sugar edible oil tea wheat and milk powder The brand should give the consumer the possibility to distinguish this brand from others This brand is not designed to compete with the private sector The Omani government pursues the aim to ensure its influence on the food sector in order to implement its food security programme by coordinating its programme with food companies from the private sector The authority is now in a direct dialogue with foodstuff merchants to exchange different views and opinions regarding critical issues concerning the development of the Sultanate s food security programme Source THE REPORT Oman 2014 by Oxford Business Group Public private sector partnership Omani government seeks for cooperation with private sector to tighten food security