26 Focus Qatar Highlighting the average food consumption patterns of Qatar s population it comes clear that cereals and vegetables are the largest segment across all food categories However the demand for meat and milk products is on a steady rise Qatar s food industry is likely to grow at a much faster pace than WKRVH RI WKH RWKHU YH FRXQWULHV The Qatari government is highly aware of the necessity to on the one hand utilize the available domestic UHVRXUFHV HI FLHQWO DQG RQ WKH RWKHU hand to explore further options on an international scale Efforts to ensure food security for its population have been taken Qatar is acquiring overseas land mainly in South Asia in East and West Africa as well as in Southeast Asia These projects aim at exporting agricultural products and livestock to Qatar Another measure by the government of Qatar to safeguard food supplies is the formulation of a large scale food security master plan The highly ambitious effort WR SURPRWH VHOI VXI FLHQF LQFOXGHV VXSSRUW WR FRPSDQLHV ZRUNLQJ LQ WKH HOG of agriculture This includes lower taxes Land of opportunity Qatar s food beverage sector Given the remarkable growth in population and nation wide economic activity food consumption in Qatar is expected to expand significantly in the years to come In fact reports suggest that food consumption will grow at an estimated rate of five per cent Kathrin Fausel explores the opportunities Kathrin Fausel Intern at German Industry and Commerce Office AHK Qatar QATAR S FOOD INDUSTRY IS LIKELY TO GROW AT A MUCH FASTER PACE THAN THOSE OF THE OTHER FIVE GCC COUNTRIES Outdoor vegetation at Sahara Forest Project Elsa Naumann Sahara Forest Project Global Hospitality and HORECA Show of 2015 in Qatar A very up to date occasion to get in touch with topics associated with Qatar s food and beverage sector is the HQ 2015 the Global Hospitality and HORECA hotels restaurants cafes Show in Doha The trade fair with a focus on catering supply and design hotel and franchise investment as well as on food and beverages will take place from 2nd to 4th of November 2015 at the Qatar National Convention Centre Held on an annual basis in Doha HQ 2015 is being launched at a time when Qatar is emerging as a major player in the hospitality and franchise investment market in the GCC due to the requirements of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in terms of Food and Beverage HORECA supply and hotel construction www hqshow com on corporate entities and far reaching subsidies Additionally the government allows 100 per cent foreign investment in agricultural activities which is absolutely unique in the region and is strictly FRQ QHG WR WKH IRRG SURGXFWLRQ VHFWRU In line with these comprehensive actions is the Sahara Forest Project 7KH UVW SLORW VFKHPH IDFLOLW LQ 4DWDU was launched in December 2012 The Sahara Forest Project has a vision of creating re vegetation and green MREV WKURXJK SUR WDEOH SURGXFWLRQ of food water clean electricity and biomass in desert areas This is done by combining already existing and proven environmental technologies such as evaporation of seawater to create cooling and distilled fresh water i e in a saltwater based greenhouse and solar thermal technologies In this way The Sahara Forest Project is designed WR XWLOL H GHVHUWV VDOWZDWHU DQG 2 WR produce food water and energy www saharaforestproject com Furthermore Qatar focuses on strengthening the food processing and storage segment in the country As a result of high diabetes and obesity rates the awareness of an urgent necessity to generate a shift in dietary patterns is steadily rising The VLJQL FDQFH RI KLJK YDOXH KHDOWK DQG nutritious foods becomes even clearer This new trend among the local society and also among parts of the expat community is estimated to considerably drive sales of organic products and can therefore attract even more potential customers and buyers throughout Qatar These aspects pose remarkable SRWHQWLDOV IRU HUPDQ FRPSDQLHV and contain substantial investment RSSRUWXQLWLHV HUPDQ H SHULHQFH and know how in terms of healthy alimentation and food processing is of high value for Qatar s food sector Particularly the food processing as well as the organic food sector are SRVVLEOH HOGV RI DFWLYLWLHV IRU HUPDQ companies The market is growing rapidly and expertise in these segments is highly in demand