Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 27

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25 Prof Dr med mult Horst Klinkmann President Curatorship Health Economy Mecklenburg Vorpommern President BioCon Valley Birgit Pscheidl Project Manager One Stop Agency International The home of health in Germany The Mecklenburg Vorpommern region in Northern Germany is a hub of healthcare and healthy food production as Majlis finds out The healthcare industry in Mecklenburg Vorpommern has experienced an extremely dynamic growth over the past two decades It is now one of the state s most important sectors Today nearly 100 000 employees work in various fields and disciplines The unspoilt landscape refreshing sea air and numerous opportunities for active recreation have an almost medicinal effect Be it in research and science life sciences the agro food industry and medicine or health tourism there are specialists in the region who are researching and working to promote human health and well being With the Health Parliament Gesundheitsparlament which is the only one of its kind in Germany and the Board of Trustees for the Health Economy Kuratorium Gesundheitswirtschaft including its YH VWUDWHJ JURXSV D VWUXFWXUH KDV EHHQ FUHDWHG ZLWK WKH DLP RI HI FLHQWO integrating all decision makers from the government science and business sectors into a coordinated network Food for thought Traditionally the food industry has always played an important role in the state of Mecklenburg Vorpommern This industry is characterised by a large number of highly productive medium sized companies and a wide range of high quality foodstuff produced in accordance with the highest safety standards The companies of the food industry together with the research institutes in the state strive to develop processes and recipes for foodstuff that meet the requirements of a health conscious diet Today innovation is a key feature of the food industry internal and external product development work leads to ingenious new products Trend led products are playing a decisive role in shaping the industry The foods of tomorrow must take into account the expectations and habits of consumers while making it possible for them to lead a healthier lifestyle Here are some unique food products that Germany and this region in particular has carved out a reputation for both for being delicious as well as good for you An apple a day Germans love apples more than any other fruit and have the world s highest per capita apple consumption Germany is also known for its delicious apple cake which is known to be the best in the world More than 2 000 of the 30 000 total varieties of apples are grown in Germany making it a modern Noah s ark and valuable gene bank for the future All varieties are important and valuable genetic resources for the breeding of new varieties such as the hypoallergenic apple and climate resilient apples High in vitamins minerals and phytochemicals apples can make a significant contribution to a healthy diet They are also rich in soluble fibre in particular pectin which helps regulate the digestive system and lowers cholesterol levels Through low temperature drying and gentle processing the nutritional value of the fruit can be preserved like in organic apple chips which are available as a healthy snack alternative Companies like BioSanica offers apple chips that are produced in accordance with the German Organic RRG XLGHOLQHV DQG FHUWL HG according the International Food Standard IFS 6 0 www biosanica de Breaking bread German bread culture is unique in the world and is now in the running to enjoy a UNESCO recognised Cultural Heritage Status Like French cuisine or Argentine tango the German baking tradition is part of the diversity of living cultural expressions that directly involve human knowledge and skills and therefore fulfils the most important requirement for protection under UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage The application was submitted in 2014 A German Bread Register has been created as a valuable instrument for preserving the German bread landscape that has developed over the past centuries a whopping 2 583 speciality bread products have already been registered The AGRARMARKETING Mecklenburg Vorpommern e V AMV networks the stakeholders of the food industry in the federal state such as local bakeries and bake houses www MV Ernaehrung de Rape seed farming in Northern Germany Mecklenburg Vorpommern GERMAN BREAD CULTURE IS UNIQUE IN THE WORLD AND IS NOW IN THE RUNNING TO ENJOY A UNESCO RECOGNISED CULTURAL HERITAGE STATUS Focus Germany

Vorschau Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 27