22 Focus Germany Bavaria is the largest state in the Federal Republic of Germany More than twelve million people live and work in its more than 70 000 square kilometres Bavaria is bigger than Switzerland and has more inhabitants than Sweden It is a country of great diversity combining untouched nature with vibrant cosmopolitan life Bavaria s appearance is characterised by the impressive panorama of the Alps featuring Germany s highest mountain the Zugspitze and the romantic rocky scenery of the area known as Franconian Switzerland Not to mention the extensive river landscapes around the Main and the Danube and the tranquillity of the Upper Bavarian lakes the Chiemsee Tegernsee Königssee Ammersee and Lake Starnberg Bavaria continues to be the most important agricultural state and the largest producer of food in Germany More than a quarter of the milk in Germany comes from Bavarian cows and more than half the area of the state is used for agriculture which concentrates on providing the population with healthy high quality products Ecological farming is becoming more and more important in Bavaria Today 28 per cent of all ecological farmers in Germany are located in Bavaria In addition many Bavarian farmers are going over to using sustainable raw materials for the production of energy By using bio gas wood pellets and so on to produce warmth and biogenetic fuels Bavaria is leading the way for regenerative forms of energy From asparagus to hops Agricultural production in Bavaria is to a very great extent in the hands of family businesses which concentrate above all on growing corn producing milk and cattle farming One delicacy much admired by connoisseurs is Bavarian asparagus which is grown principally in Franconia in Abensberg in Lower Bavaria and in Schrobenhausen in Upper Bavaria Between April and June every HDU DVSDUDJXV LV KDUYHVWHG LQ HOGV covering a total of 20 square kilometres AHK members have been treated to the asparagus from Schrobenhausen during the annual AHK Asparagus dinner in Dubai Another Bavarian agricultural specialty is hops The largest hop growing area in the world lies in the Hallertau between Landshut and Ingolstadt and a quarter of all the hops in the world come from here Hops are an essential ingredient of a further Bavarian specialty since only hops barley and water may be used to brew beer in Bavaria This is provided for in the Bavarian beer purity regulations dating from 1516 the oldest food law in the world In harmony with nature Bavarian farmers make an important contribution to landscape conservation and to the preservation of cultivated areas Harmonising agriculture with natural biological conditions involves actively protecting the climate the soil and the water With its programme for cultivated areas Bavaria actively SURYLGHV QDQFLDO VXSSRUW IRU environmentally friendly forms of agriculture and promotes farming according to the principles of ecological cultivation Environmentally friendly arable farming in Bavaria also makes use of up to date technology regular soil sampling and special agricultural weather stations for example to ensure that fertilisers are used in the best ecologically possible way Bavaria a land of beauty drama and productivity Bavaria s rich diversity makes it the jewel in the crown of the modern German state a home to industry rugged outdoor activities amazing scenery and top quality food production Majlis focuses on this magical and historic region Bavaria and its specialties Bavaria enjoys an exceptional reputation both at home and abroad for its excellent hospitality and the unique range of Bavarian regional specialties and culinary experiences This reputation not only comes from Bavaria s cultural heritage and attractive landscapes but even more so from the famous Bavarian delicacies such as grilled sausages from Nuremburg Bavarian beer Bavarian pretzels and Emmentaler cheese from the Allgäu region to name but a few The credit for our Bavaria food brand as it is widely known by consumers around the world goes to Bavaria s professional food industry which is uniquely structured by many medium sized food businesses many of them still family owned All of these companies are highly committed to produce high quality food products at reliable standards and featuring fantastic ÀDYRXUV QXPEHU RI WKHP DUH DOUHDG exporting to the UAE market Bavarian food exports reached around 21 million Euros in 2013 A number also went into the re export sector The Free State of DYDULD KDV D UHSUHVHQWDWLYH RI FH LQ the UAE since 2005 located within the AHK Dr Dalia Abu Samra Rohte is the Bavarian Representative in the UAE 28 OF ALL ECOLOGICAL FARMERS IN GERMANY ARE LOCATED IN BAVARIA Dr Dalia Abu Samra Rohte Deputy CEO Director Abu Dhabi Office German Emirati Joint Council for Industry and Commerce AHK Abu Dhabi