Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 23

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21 Focus Germany AS THE TOPIC OF HALAL GAINS FURTHER IMPORTANCE IN EUROPE A GERMAN COMPANY LOOKING TO IMPORT FOOD TO THE UAE CAN OBTAIN THE NECESSARY CERTIFICATES FROM VARIOUS AUTHORITIES IN GERMANY Integrity Alliance They advise the food industry review their products and product system throughout Europe and certify them under the Islamic Halal guideline The guideline is compiled by the scholar s council of the EHZ The Halal seal is copyright reserved has unique characteristics and is available in several languages such as German English French Arabic Turkish and Dutch The certification process of the EHZ requires t Halal application of client with supporting documents t Appointment for site inspection t Testing and controlling of the meat additives The EHZ scholars council reviews the inspection proceedings and reports t The company is advised on the results of the inspection and if qualified proceeds to the signing of the Halal contract t Delivery of the Halal Seal in English and other languages upon request Halal Control EU Halal Control is an independent and accredited authority for the Halal Food industry with place of business in Rüsselheim They are specialised in independent reviewing of products and product systems of the food industry and their certification under the Islamic dietary rules and purity requirement Halal Guideline Their foodstuff certification is given under high Halal Standards like the Malaysian Halal Standards MS 1500 2009 and others Halal Control is the first certification authority worldwide which has established a HrACCP Concept Haram Analysis Critical Control Point in the foodstuff business The Halal Control Assurance System t Reviewing by high qualified Islamologists food analysts as well as Halal System assurance specialists t Implementation of internationally acknowledged Halal Standards t Halal Assurance System Implementation t Authorisation process t Halal Certification t Revalidation system t Training DNV Business Assurance DNV Business Assurance is a worldwide leading independent and acknowledged FHUWL FDWLRQ DVVRFLDWLRQ ZLWK SODFH of business in Hamburg and Essen They also have branches in Azerbaijan Bahrain Egypt Jordan Kuwait Oman Pakistan Qatar Saudi Arabia Syria and United Arab Emirates Dubai and Abu Dhabi They review foodstuff producing companies under the QFC Halal FHUWL FDWLRQ 7KH 4LEOD RRG Control Standard QFC Standard is WKH UVW DODO 6WDQGDUG HVWDEOLVKHG E Islamic authorities with experts from the foodstuff industry DNV Business Assurance works with exclusive technically competent Muslim auditors such as veterinarians food technologists or agronomists who assess the companies and certify them under the supervision of Muslim authorities Some key facts about QFC Standard t Under the QFC Standard only complete production facilities are FHUWL HG DQG QRW LQGLYLGXDO SURGXFWV t 7KH FRPSDQLHV FHUWL HG E 4 PXVW be in a position to consistently produce according to Halal compliance t 7KH DODO FHUWL FDWLRQ DXGLW LV GRQH E a Muslim auditor under the supervision of an independent Muslim authority All future unannounced inspections are carried out only by the auditor t On the basis of Halal checklists production plants are inspected for compliance in all relevant areas such as production personnel quality control and management documentation storage and so on Spot checks product analysis and DNA tests are conducted to rule out the presence of any alcohol in the products t After the initial audit an external audit is carried out by a second independent Muslim authority t Upon successfully passing all the audits the company receives a one year OLPLWHG 4 FHUWL FDWH Zahar Naderi Legal Intern at German Emirati Joint Council for Industry and Commerce AHK Dubai

Vorschau Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 23