Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 19

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17 ADVERTORIAL Craig Beech craig beech basf com Ucrete floor in a meat processing factory Good chemistry In a region where real estate is growing as rapidly as it is here in the Middle East high quality construction chemicals are a must to maintain the standards that are required BASF provides an array of solutions tailored to specific needs BASF s Construction Chemicals division offers advanced chemicals solutions for new construction maintenance repair and renovation of structures As a leading provider of raw PDWHULDOV V VWHPV DQG QLVKHG SURGXFWV for the construction industry BASF supplies economically and ecologically sound solutions that facilitate high quality construction The construction chemicals division operates production sites and sales centres in more than 50 countries and includes a global community of 5 700 construction experts As regional infrastructure developments rapidly increase around us we play a crucial role in assisting project teams From the design phase right through to site support we offer sound technical advice to our clients consultants contractors and designers Our new brand Master Builders Solutions includes concrete admixtures cement additives chemical solutions for XQGHUJURXQG FRQVWUXFWLRQ ZDWHUSURR QJ solutions sealants concrete repair and protection solutions performance grouts SHUIRUPDQFH ÀRRULQJ DQG WLOLQJ VROXWLRQV Special for F B One of our unique solutions for the Food and Beverage industry is the 8FUHWH ÀRRULQJ V VWHP ZKLFK HQMR V DQ unrivalled reputation for performance built up over four decades This heavy GXW SRO XUHWKDQH UHVLQ ÀRRU PHHWV WKH strictest levels of quality hygiene and safety for EC directives on food and plant requirements Ucrete is very durable and the best solution to ensure quality long term K JLHQH LQ SURGXFWLRQ DUHDV 7KH ÀRRUV remain dense and impervious As a result germs and bacteria cannot take hold on 8FUHWH ÀRRUV 6XFK FKDUDFWHULVWLFV HQVXUH quality similar to stainless steel even on KLJKO SUR OHG VOLS UHVLVWDQW ÀRRUV 7KLV combined with its chemical and live stream resistance makes Ucrete the ideal choice for a safe and germ free working environment Some of its key characteristics include Durable excellent impact and wear resistance Many 20 to 30 year old Ucrete ÀRRUV LQ DJJUHVVLYH HQYLURQPHQWV DUH VWLOO in service Non tainting Ucrete is solvent free and non tainting even during application in food handling areas Moisture tolerant Ucrete can be installed onto seven day old concrete without the need for special primers helping fast track projects to adhere to project timelines Thermal shock resistant Ucrete withstands spillages up to 150 C GHSHQGLQJ XSRQ VSHFL FDWLRQ Hygienic it is as cleanable as stainless steel and does not support biological growth thus helping to maintain hygiene standards Chemical resistant Ucrete resists strong acids as well as alkalis fats oils and solvents which can rapidly degrade other W SHV RI UHVLQ ÀRRULQJ Clean and safe W LV FHUWL HG ZLWK WKH XUR QV QGRRU LU RPIRUW ROG standard for low emissions Slip resistant Offers a range of surface SUR OHV IURP VPRRWK DQG WHUUD R V VWHPV WR KLJKO WH WXUHG GH QHG SUR OH ÀRRUV ZKLFK ZLOO RIIHU WKH RSWLPDO solution tailored to the customers needs Anti static Ucrete has conductive properties to control undesired static electricity which can damage the electronic equipment and lead to dust explosion if ignited Sustainable Its longevity helps with resource management Its low levels of emissions to the air and non tainting properties contribute to the health of applicators and users Also Ucrete protects the structure of the buildings from aggressive and noxious chemicals Fast It enjoys fast application and curing making it ideally suited for refurbishment works Ucrete has shown excellent performance in working areas such as kitchens restaurants dairies bakeries meat processing factories cold rooms juice presses and washing areas For example 8FUHWH LV WKH ÀRRU RI FKRLFH IRU WKH Dubai World Trade Centre Kitchen Due to BASF s proven track record in Europe and positive feedback from end users the client chose Ucrete as it would best meet the needs and requirements for an extremely busy kitchen Years after installation the client says that the ÀRRU QRW RQO ORRNV QHZ EXW FRQWLQXHV to perform in the most demanding circumstances To know more about Ucrete our experts will be present at the Gulfood Manufacturing and Big 5 events in Dubai this year For further information please contact Craig Beech

Vorschau Majlis Issue 13 - New Seite 19