EM12 T00 000 DC24V 40A Supply module standard without auxiliary contacts EM12 T01 001 DC24V 40A Supply module standard auxiliary contact N O EM12 T00 100 LINE 40A Supply module mid right LINE connected COM BASE COM Your benefits EM12 supply modules ensure flexibility during the planning process All BASE and COM supply modules are designed for a permanent total current of 40 A The COM ControlPlex supply modules increase transparency in the DC 24 V range significantly and form the basis for an additional increase of machine uptime ControlPlex EM12D TIO 000 DC24V 40A Supply module IO link ControlPlex EM12D TMB 000 DC24V 40A Supply module Modbus RTU EM12 T00 200 LINE 40A Supply module centre LINE separated EM12 T00 000 GND 40 A Supply module standard GND 0 V EM12 T00 300 GND 40 A Supply module mid right GND 0 V 5
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