Bus controller The CPC12 and EM12D ControlPlex controllers connect the COM REX system with the superordinate communication interface In addition to IO link and Modbus RTU the interfaces for Ethernet based fieldbus connections via PROFINET EtherCAT EtherNet IP and Modbus TCP are also possible The bus controllers record all status information and measuring values of the circuit protectors and enable their control and parametrisation With the CPC12 ControlPlex controllers it is also possible to visualise data via the web server and use it as maintenance interface A high transparency clear troubleshooting and remote access increase machine uptime significantly Overcurrent protection Overcurrent protection with globally unique features this is how the REX12 time current characteristic and REX22D situational active linear current limitation present themselves Available with one or two channels with fixed or adjustable current ratings the devices are perfectly adaptable to the requirements of the respective application and can be easily connected electrically without further accessories thanks to the integral blue connector arm Whether BASE or COM system with the REXx2D you can choose both options as the circuit protectors automatically recognise the currently connected supply or bus controller Supply Supply in DC 24 V applications has never been so easy Plus or minus supply BASE or COM system the EM12 modules are a vital part of the REX all in one solution They are tailor made to the requirements of the machine building industry and no further accessories e g bridges or busbars are required for the electrical or mechanical connection of the individual modules This helps save components time and money THE REX SYSTEM Your All in one solution 2
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