66 onair In 2012 ONAIR enjoyed what must be one of the most successful launches of any German a cap pella group when they beat off international com petition to win first prize at the aarhus Vocal Festi val in Denmark with their debut public performance Other awards gold at vokal total in Graz the Freiburger leiter and first place at the a cappella competition in Taiwan and a host of new found fans in Germany and abroad followed in quick suc cession can anything stop ONAIR s meteoric rise Mind you this rocket like take off was no ac cident Before ONAIR Stefan Flügel Patrick Oliver and andré Bachmann together with sound designer Sonja Harth had already tasted success in muSix They were joined by members of the likes of Peter and the Wolvettes and the Berlin Voices creating a su pergroup made up of people who had been singers composers and voice coaches for years But what au diences particularly love about ONAIR is the group s enthusiasm and their determination to come up with something new combined with their outstanding vocal qualities ONAIR s programme is made up of smooth vocal jazz and explosive a cappella pop It includes songs by for instance Björk Sting and Daft Punk along side folk songs all performed in a rousing yet highly professional manner We re very fortunate that on their very successful journey these experienced yet instant successes are stopping off at a cappella Fasten your seatbelts for a thrilling ride taKe oFF 7pm haus leipzig Foyer INTRODucTION wITh ONAIR AND mATThIAS bEcKER

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