amarcord 29 ful of recitals at Felsenkeller Since Schubert s music is never really complete without a piano well known pianist ERIc SchNEIDER born in the Bergisches land near cologne will make his piano sing as Schubert once did and blend its dulcet tones with those of AmARcORD For this year s festival the series of special events accompanying the concerts has been greatly ex panded It will start with a fascinating introduction to amarcord s Schubert programme by the ensem ble s long time companion hOLgER SchNEIDER is recording the concert for later broadcast as soon as the broadcast is scheduled we will publish the time in a news release here www a cappella festival com In 2015 the a cappella festival will commence with amarcord as usual albeit in a new venue for the opening night will be held at Felsenkeller The idea of filling this time honoured venue with romantic mu sic from leipzig during the festival was first mooted a few years ago Following its refurbishment Felsen keller has now finally been reopened as an arts venue and leipzig s vocal ambassadors and festival hosts AmARcORD will indeed be kicking off this year s a cappella with music from the Romantic era The concert will see a project long planned by AmARcORD finally come to fruition with a recital devoted entirely to Franz Schubert one of the most influential composers of the Romantic era Vocal music accounted for much of Schubert s diverse output Only few composers have written so much and so ex quisitely for male voices and AmARcORD have long been familiar with this part of his oeuvre Indeed the amount of his lieder could probably fill a hand OPENiNG cONcERT soFtly soFtly let us sing Franz schubert 7pm FelsenKeller INTRODucTION by hOLgER SchNEIDER SOfTLy SOfTLy LET uS SINg fRANz SchubERT S VOcAL muSIc fOR mALE VOIcES

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