There is a place where the ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary A destination at the tip of the mighty African continent where two oceans meet in the shadow of one of earth s seven natural wonders Here exhibitions are transformed into unforgettable experiences people and brands grow together and organisations come alive in the hearts and minds of their markets This place is Cape Town International Convention Centre And to experience it is to experience extraordinary Experience Extraordinary To transform your special event into an extraordinary experience contact CTICC 27 21 410 5000 sales cticc co za www cticc co za shake public confidence but it was by no means the only such factor The report pres ents the key figures for the MICE industry and forecasts demand for the coming year In addition the performance of important busi ness sectors that are key sources of corporate events is analysed the automotive industry information technology construction phar maceuticals and financial services Other core elements of ibtm world include the In novation Zone and the Technology Servic es Zone where providers will be presenting their solutions to the coming challenges in the meetings industry New this year is the hotel pavilion the aim of which is to enable smaller hotels in particular to exhibit at the fair To this end there are furnished ready made stands avail able in custom sizes with electricity provid ed The exhibitors also receive a schedule containing prearranged meetings with hosted buyers The presence of these additional ex hibitors meets the needs of trade fair visitors who want to see new offerings from the ho tel industry Participating in the welcome re ception is another promising way to make new business contacts The reception takes place on 29 November A particular highlight this year is a focus on Barcelona and the Catalan cuisine Guests at the reception will be able to experiences this Catalan theme in a variety of ways There will be a number of different areas and activities focusing on Catalan products people and places www ibtmworld com PB FOCUS Die Welcome Reception erfreut sich jedes Jahr großer Beliebtheit The Welcome Reception is a hugely popular event every year Ph ot o R TE ib tm w or ld
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