increasing number of European stand builders are choosing elements from China To enable further growth the company moved to a newly built factory on 26 Sep tember 2016 just 800 metres from its former site Lingtong s site in the new Changzhou National Advertising Industry Park compris es 180 hectares There the company not only wants to boost its production and productiv ity but has also created sufficient capacities for four departments research develop ment creative design logistics distribution and talent train ing If you want to buy or get to know Lingtong systems in Eu rope you don t have to travel to the Yangtze River In 2011 it set up a European HQ in Dorma gen Germany Its name is LT Systems Europe This site alone has a 1 400 square metre ware house to store up to 3 000 prod ucts But the company also op erates a workshop of its own with a large staff The company not only sells products from China but also adapts saws drills mills and shapes the sys tem modules completely to the customer s needs By day or if need be by night All cus tomers receive their systems just the way they need them Down to the last millimetre and angle promises managing director Marcus Faust www lt systems de JK A LU V I S I O N N V w w w a l u v i s i o n c o m Te l 3 2 9 3 81 5 4 7 0 MesseständeBeleuchtung Leuchtdisplay Shop in shop S t r e t c h y o u r l i m i t s Omni 55 XS 75TradeFairs Internation al 6 2016 PRACTICE Elegant solution for fire extinguishers Fire extinguishers are a crucial piece of equipment for fighting incipient fires and compul sory in public buildings They are part of a comprehensive fire protection scheme but of ten clash with the interior design Compulsory fire extinguishers poses a number of chal lenges for planners and users Often installed only after fittings and furnishings are in place their integration in the interior design is often left to chance This can lead to disruptive or an noying situations during the long service life of a fire extinguisher Fire extinguishers often do not fit in with their environment But there is a remedy for this Exti Shelter is a discreet and el egant storage solution for fire extinguishers Thanks to its bright red colour the container is not only stylish but also easy to find in an emergency shields the extinguisher from damages and offers protection for passers by Exti Shelter is not an ordinary fire extinguisher holder or casing but blends in with the interior timelessly The shelter is easy to mount and causes no hassle using the existing mounting attachment of the fire extinguisher Neither is the Exti Shelter a closed cabinet The equipment specification and test certificates are readable at any time thanks to the open fire extinguisher casing Plus the Exti Shelter is weather and tempera ture resistant made of robust plastic that is extremely break proof even in low temperatures The Exti Shelter fire extinguisher casing is fire proof and flame retardant according to DIN 4102 B1 and EN13501 1 B C and easy to recycle The winner of the Reddot Design Award 2016 is available for all types of fire extinguishers www exti shelter de Ph ot o H es te x HS Schnellbauwand HS Quickwall
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