an Area Four Industries brand just like Milos Litec Tomcat and JTE They produce travers es and rigging accessories for exhibition con struction and event technology The travers es are used to build complete exhibition stands and support lighting and media tech nology But the new complementary Xtruss com ponents give stand designers a huge range of design options that they previously didn t have These allow very diverse materials to be attached to the traverses and used as cladding Xtruss brackets clamps or clips allow the structure to be clad in such a way that every thing fits together seamlessly using fabric walls for example But it is also possible to use wood aluminium or even felt panels or large sail like cladding However there is one thing that sets Xtruss apart from other compo nents more than any other says Pfeiffer It s the principle of independence Xtruss can be used with any 29 cm or 22 cm traverse re gardless of who manufactured it Not only does that make exhibition stand builders more flexible it also enhances their existing systems and allows them to be used more of ten www areafourindustries de JK Das Grundgerüst einer jeden Standbaukonstruktion mit System bilden Tragwerke aus Profilen oder Traversen The basic framework of every system stand is made up of a supporting structure consisting of profiles or traverses Ph ot o A re a Fo ur In du st rie s G er m an y PRACTICE
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