series from the Neuss based company Modul International there are practically no limits to what you can do with fabric structures Atmospheric spaces can be created in next to no time with light boxes ceiling lights illu minated ceiling rings light cubes movable partition walls free standing displays or large wall frames or as complete exhibition stands Visitors to Viscom 2016 a trade fair for visu al communication and sign making held in Frankfurt in November were able to see for themselves the impact of these rooms at the Modul International stand Modul conveyed an impression of the size of its range of new backlit fabric prod ucts The colourful fabric printed with pho torealistic images indicated how these sys tems have been developed not just for struc tures at trade fairs and events Our Frame Solution structures are also effective for brand communication in shops lounges and showrooms stresses Bruna Marques who is head of marketing at Modul International Custom solutions can be created for every application And the best thing about them They are very easy to set up FrameSolu tion is an ingenious system it consists of el egant slim aluminium profiles and all the ac cessories required to go with them as well as custom printed fabrics with silicone keder and the latest lighting technology Exhibi tion stand builders shopfitters or interior de signers get everything they need from us says Marques Modul sees itself as a solu tion provider www modul int com Construction systems apply the building block principle a stand has to be easy to build using modular components With less and less time available for assembly and dis mantling and given tighter exhibition con struction budgets the systems are ideal The basic framework of every system stand is made up of a supporting structure consisting of profiles or traverses But can structures like this be transformed into smooth surfaces for walls or graphics And how can the most diverse materials be combined with each other asks Carsten Pfeiffer sales and mar keting manager at Area Four Industries Ger many before proceeding to answer his own question We looked into this and devel oped our Xtruss as in extras to comple ment our proven traverse systems Xtruss is 68 TradeFairs Internation al 6 2016 International Federation of Exhibition Events Services N E W S IFES Euroshop During Euroshop the leading trade show for shop fitting and exhibition design IFES will present itself together with 16 members at the IFES Global Village Here partner will meet find answers enhance their business or just have a cup of coffee IFES Global Village will be situated in Hall 4 F36 and you are more than welcome to meet the IFES Team and the 16 Partner Barsa Design Iran Czarnowski Germany USA DesignArt Mexico Dodecaedro Argentina Engel mann Messe Design Germany Fuar Dizayin Turkey Holtmann Germany IM Austria Austria Intermark Group Poland Grupo Intermedio Spain JMT Nether lands ComUnit EMG Russia MDS Messe bau Services Germany Meissner Expo Germany ScanDisplay South Africa Stevens E3 Canada IFES Block Party Euroshop The whole world at one booth This will be the IFES Block Party At Monday 6th of March from 5 pm onwards IFES will start its meet and greet continue with a great dinner pro vided by our member Backstage Catering and end up with a party supported by music4friends and DJ plus Tickets for this great evening will be available for 95 00 Euro Since availability is restricted Please order soon and enjoy an evening of net working talking or just enjoying yourselves Euroshop Tickets If you want to visit Euroshop IFES is able to offer Tickets to you for just 15 Euro instead of 70 Euro you have to pay at the Ticket Of fice So if you or your colleagues plan to visit Euroshop please make sure to take this op portunity and safe a lot of money Procedure is really easy You let us know how many tick ets you need You will pay via Credit Card or Wiretransfer and we will provide you with a code you can transfer into your ticket Last but not least IFES is content partner of Euroshop s Expo and Event forum in Hall 4 On Sunday IFES will put the focus on Sus tainability and New Materials Wednesday will show Best Practice Examples from around the globe IFES its members and the sponsors of our booth Backstage Catering C6N dcp Holtmann Messe Event JMT International music4friends Sycon and Wit Design are looking forward to welcome you at the Global Village www ifesnet org FrameSolution besteht aus edlen schlanken Aluminiumprofilen und individuell bedruckbaren Stoffen mit Silikonkeder und neuester Beleuchtungstechnik FrameSolution consists of elegant slim aluminium profiles and custom printed fabrics with silicone keder and the latest lighting technology Ph ot o M od ul In te rn at io na l PRACTICE
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