Passt wie Messebausysteme gute Ideen zu fairen Preisen LT SYSTEMS EUROPE GmbH Hamburger Straße 18 41540 Dormagen Telefon 49 0 2133 533 76 0 Internet www lt systems de A round 20 exhibition stands from a sin gle system each of them unique visitors to Aluvision s showroom in Deinze Belgium get to experience the wide range of stand designs that are possible with the system The visitors are led through hallways with round buildings glass cubes arcs and almost entirely free form structures For some time now the company has been organising visits that offer a look behind the scenes product training on request and the highlight of browsing around the showroom The 1 100 square metre showroom has recent ly been redesigned Because not only is Aluvi sion expanding the company is also constant ly bringing new products onto the market Among the latest is one called Forester This mobile lighting pylon is three metres high and equipped with height adjustable LED spot lights They have a colour temperature of 3 000K CRI 90 and a light output of 3 000 lu mens each Customers can choose how many spotlights to have and at what point they are to be attached to the pylon Another new lighting solution from Alu vision is the ultra thin LED wall Poly 55 bright This is a backlit fabric wall with a thickness of only 55 mm It can be combined with the existing Basic 55 and Omni 55 wall systems of Aluvision for an aesthetic high quality effect Their advanced LED technolo gy spreads light evenly without forming shadows or light spots Poly 55 can be used as a wall or ceiling element To put it in a nutshell the new light wall is the perfect so lution for a striking and surprising stand asserts Nathalie Vandeweerdt international sales manager at Aluvision With Aluvision every exhibition stand attracts the attention as something different Customers are invited to visit our redesigned showroom to see for themselves www aluvision com Light and lightweight materials catch the eye That s why exhibition stands with apparently luminous fabric walls or objects continue to draw attention in any exhibition hall With the fabric Modul FrameSolution STAND CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS Standing out from the crowd System manufacturers are constantly developing their prod ucts Their new products make exhibition construction not just more economical but give it more variety as well PRACTICE
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