T he framework conditions seem to be perfect Poland s economy is currently seeing a phase of dynamic change New projects have been launched says Andrzej Mochon And many sectors have reached the next level of the EU fund ing schemes adds the president of Targi Kielce the second most important fair com pany in Central Eastern Europe with a port folio of 70 events Of course such economic trends also have an influence on the exhibi tion sector There are new laws for residential buildings and EU standards now apply to the operation of lifts and escalators This af fects both buyers and suppliers And this is why they increasingly attend the events of Targi Kielce such as the recent show for the lift industry Euro Lift and coinciding Lokum Expo which is dedicated to preserving build ings At these events they can add to their knowledge find suitable applications and meet the experts And Kielce is still literally on the up in other respects as well The past few months has seen it take off with several greatly ac claimed flagship shows that are market lead ers in Central Eastern Europe They include road construction show Autostrada Polska church construction and church furnishings fair Sacroexpo and bicycle show Kielce Bike Expo Metal is devoted to foundry and metal working And security is another intensively discussed topic in Poland This is the reason why our international MSPO fair has become the central marketplace of the Polish and global defence industry says CEO Mochon In 2016 the show was graced by the presence of Polish president Andrzej Duda and de fence minister Antoni Macierewicz The mot to of this year s edition of MSPO was the host country itself Poland was well repre sented by some 325 companies among the 614 exhibitors record figure On the visitor side over 22 000 professionals came to Kielce including 50 official delegations from 46 countries which underlines the impor tance of the defence show Next year MSPO will celebrate its 25th anniversary This coincides with the an niversary of our exhibition centre says An drzej Mochon happy about the road trav elled so far with the exhibition centre in the south of Poland Agrotech is another major annual exhibition in Kielce that dates back to the 1990s With around 700 exhibitors the farming technology show occupied almost 63 000 square metres of space in 2016 and attracted 64 300 visitors In view of the 22 years of experience with staging this event Targi Kielce is now also expanding to Lviv in Ukraine There the fair company recently launched EuroAgro as a joint venture with Gal Expo Ukrainian farmers are willing to invest in Polish farming technology and solu tions Andrzej Mochon explains the engage ment in Lviv just 300 kilometres from Kielce EuroAgro is to boost sales of Polish equip ment in neighbouring Ukraine Back home Kielce has long established an ideal infrastructure for staging fairs and congresses Over the past five years the exhi bition centre has undergone a thorough mod ernisation bringing it up to European state of the art standards and ensuring its long term success amid the national and interna tional trade fair competition This includes protection against unexpected incidents In 2016 Kielce therefore invested in surveillance Over 400 high resolution digital cameras were installed for this purpose These high precision systems help us identify any alarm ing irregularities says Andrzej Mochon The Time Column a six metre obelisk with a symbolic hourglass is another recent addi tion Originally raised in front of the town hall in 1999 the Time Column was to mark the advent of the new century www targi kielce pl PB 60 TradeFairs Internation al 6 2016 INTERNATIONAL Ph ot o T ar gi K ie lc e POLAND Still on the up In 2017 Kielce will celebrate the 25th anniversary of its trade fair activities And results for the current year show that busi ness is still on the rise Der Präsident der Republik Polen Andrzej Duda kam dieses Jahr zur Verteidigungsmesse MSPO The President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda attended this year s edition of MSPO defence fair
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