The efforts to provide an extraordinary service at attractive venues in Paris are bear ing fruit Michel Dessolain sees the level of demand as confirmation of this Both the trade fair business and the conference busi ness are benefiting the latter in particular as in many other places from medical con ferences We currently have hosted around 3 500 cancer specialists from all over the world at the Palais des Congrès de Paris he reports At the same time 250 top experts were discussing this devastating illness at the Hôtel Salomon de Rothschild There are al ready plenty of bookings from well known event organisers for the coming years The European Society of Cardiology ESC will be holding its huge annual convention which is attended by over 30 000 delegates in Paris in 2019 For Viparis it confirms once more the success of their efforts to constantly remain state of the art www viparis com The decision makers behind the guest trade fairs held at Viparis have the same aim The leading French trade fair organiser Com exposium which is closely linked to Viparis also adapts its strategies to suit changing cus tomer requirements and market conditions www comexposium fr That has an impact on the content of established events Recent ly the company presented a new conceptual approach for Europe s second largest trade fair for automotive services The idea is that Equip Auto which is held in odd years should also reflect disruptive trends in 2017 On the one hand we want to main tain our long established strong connections to the after sales sector emphasises Jacques Mauge chairman of Equip Auto At the same time we are committed to being seen on the continent in the medium term as an international trade fair for connected mobili ty he explains What that means is that the event which was first held in 1975 will in future show case the entire sector including new seg ments Connected mobility brings with it new market participants insurers investors or telematics providers These companies will also have to come to Equip Auto in fu ture This will also allow them to do business with the more typical exhibitors at the trade fair and vice versa In addition to broaden ing the trade fair s portfolio in this way the decision makers want Equip Auto to become a more social event as a result of its accom panying programme The aim is to more ac tively encourage personal exchanges between the participants These efforts include a large gala dinner during the trade fair and a vari ety of networking events The next Equip Au to will take place from 17 to 21 October 2017 at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles www equip auto com KF 57TradeFairs Internation al 6 2016 Linking trade fairs research and innovation The association Nundinotopia wasfounded in Bordeaux in 2014 The namehas its roots in the Latin word for market day Nundinae and the philosopher Michel Foucault s concept of heterotopia The trade fair industry has never had such strong structural links to modernity and the global knowledge society argues Marc Halpert who has over 15 years of trade fair industry experience is currently the director of the trade fair and conference centre in Poitiers in Nouvelle Aquitaine and has taken on the lead role in the project On the one hand Nundinotopia promotes research develop ment and innovation in the trade fair indus try At the same time it uses trade fairs as a medium to respond to the challenges of re search and innovation in other fields and in dustries The association s first project is a white book for research development and innovation at trade fairs and conventions This white book is intended to offer a way of reach ing the protagonists and organisations in the trade fair industry science and politics In terms of its content the white book presents a wide range of topics related to trade fairs and con ventions as well as research carried out with the aim of developing an interdisciplinary body of knowledge about trade fairs It also goes into fields of innovation possible collaborative work and the contributions of the trade fair and convention industry to scientific challenges We have already published two thirds of our work on the website at www nundinotopia com in the form of articles and videos reports Halpert Just recently there was a meeting at the French ministry of economic affairs The project is just starting to appear on people s radar emphasises the trade fair expert Die Service Offensive Guest Attitude heißt auch in das Outfit des Geländes zu investieren The service offensive guest attitude includes investments in the appearence of the venue Ph ot o V ip ar is
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