D igitisation is spreading into all spheres of life and mobile offerings are now taken for granted on an everyday basis Viparis the leading French venue operating company has long been at home in the digital world We have unleashed a real revolution with our Smart Venues offering says Viparis CEO Michel Dessolain With virtual offers like this the French company wants to make going to a trade fair an even better experience A wide variety of options are available to users they can follow the streams of visitors online view the event s booking plan or just see what food is available At trade fairs in par ticular good food counts for a lot And the company intends to pursue this promising approach in the future In 2017 the whole industry will be further expanding the digital dimension of its events asserts Dessolain The services offered at interna tional trade fairs run parallel to them in both the real world and the virtual digital world In Paris they call this service offensive guest attitude It includes the challenge of constantly investing in the appearance of the venue Paris Expo Porte de Versailles is in the process of getting a complete makeover be tween now and 2024 The whole site is to become greener A total of 52 000 square me tres of vegetation are planned for the roofs of the halls Another aspect which exemplifies the dynamism of what is going on are the variable walls These allow the room next door to be added to make a larger space in no time at all This kind of adaptation to suit demand is facilitated by rails that make the variable walls easy to move The first phase of the modernisation programme which will disrupt normal operations as little as possi ble will be completed in 2017 The new concept is representative of a trend from which Viparis has benefited great ly in recent years The border lines separat ing different kinds of event have been gradu ally fading explains Michel Dessolain There are an increasing number of hybrid events that are both a trade fair and a conference In addition The element of surprise is now right at the top of customers wish lists Ver satility has developed into an important factor in the event industry observes Viparis s CEO This has been demonstrated clearly and unmistakably at international trade fairs with visitors from all over the world he maintains Even niche products are developing very well The consumer fair Video City Paris last autumn attracted a large number of visitors with the range of activities it offered There were play areas for children and you could meet authors or take part in workshops ex plains Dessolain In view of the good re sponse to the event it will be held again from 8 to 9 April 2017 Rétromobile a classic car show was also a great success INTERNATIONAL FRANCE Offering an experience across all channels Good services ensure greater acceptance Service improve ments both online and in the real world are ensuring good capacity utilisation at Viparis Die Equip Auto möchte mittelfristig auch als internationale Messe für die vernetzte Mobilität in Europa wahrgenommen werden Equip Auto also wants to be perceived as an international trade fair for connected mobility in Europe in the medium term Ph ot o C om ex po si um
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