F or 2016 the MCH Group is expecting a result that will be comparable to that of the two previous years However the picture is a bit ambiguous On the one hand the increasingly difficult national and international economic environment has also left its mark on us observes Christian Jecker This applies especially to the nation al B2B segment points out the MCH Group s head of Corporate Communication He believes that exhibition hub Switzerland or in other words the Swiss trade fair indus try is facing major challenges Advanced and further increasing de industrialisation the strong franc and a mostly saturated exhi bition market are factors with an adverse im pact analyses Jecker This is most notice able in the B2B sectors For B2C fairs es pecially the specialised consumer shows the situation is better There is still some growth potential there on a national level On the other hand the latest results show that MCH can still successfully hold its own even in this demanding economic envi ronment Moreover various projects were launched or implemented in 2016 For exam ple events in the art sector A first partner ship has been established under the Art Basel Cities Initiative Culture events are to be staged together with the Argentinian cap ital of Buenos Aires They will not necessari ly be hosted by Art Basel The aim is to sup port the city and sponsors with the experi ence the network and the Art Basel label It is also imaginable that such city events 52 TradeFairs Internation al 6 2016 INTERNATIONAL SWITZERLAND Internationalisation and digitalisation The Swiss market leader MCH is happy with its overall results for 2016 so far And it will continue with its two focal strategies in future will lead to the development of projects that could also receive a platform elsewhere for example in other cities and or as part of Art Basel itself However the city events will not be trade shows but other types of events They could be modelled on the Art Parcours which takes place during Art Basel in public spaces In contrast the first investment in a regional art show India Art Fair is a clas sic exhibition related activity This will be the first step in realising our ambition to cre ate a portfolio of leading regional art fairs says Christian Jecker The MCH Group will buy 60 3 per cent of shares of Seventh Plane in New Delhi the organiser of India Art Fair The other stakeholders are Angus Mont gomery 29 7 per cent and the founder and director Neha Kirpal ten per cent Hence the ninth edition of India Art Fair from 2 to 5 February 2017 will take place under a new ownership Head of communica tions Jecker also reports that MCH has bought the online platform Cu riator In 2017 the MCH Group wants to continue with its intensive internationalisation and digitalisa tion strategy Next year will see the launch of a new event in exhibition hub Basel With an Internet of Things theme the one day conference and show SmartSuisse will open its gates on 27 April 2017 It sees it self as a new platform for the devel opment of smart cities Christian Jecker describes the project which is to be staged once a year in fu ture Background The Internet of Things takes digitalisation and net working to the next level It has al ready reached large parts of the population and the economy More and more people are now turning their dwellings into smart homes thanks to applications This also poses de mands for cities and municipalities Their at tractiveness as a destination quality of life jobs and economic success depend on their strategies for the future Cities and the public sector have already made a lot of progress with computerising their administrative de partments over the last decade Their aim is now to bring the existing data together to collect new data and to network the systems with each other and with the infrastructure www mch group com PB Basler Weinmesse Bei den spezialisierten B2C Messen sieht MCH national noch Wachstumspotenziale Basel Wine Fair MCH still sees some growth potential for specialised B2C fairs on a national level Ph ot o M C H
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