TradeFairs Internation al 6 2016 5 FOCUSCONTENT Frankreich Das Erlebnis auf allen Kanälen France Offering an experience across all channels Mobile Messebauten Hoch genug für Saurier und Kräne Mobile exhibition buildings High enough for dinosaurs and cranes 76 Ph ot o C om ex po si um 53 Rendez vous The perfect place to get together is located in the heart of Baden Wuerttem berg one of the most innovative regions in Germany and all of Europe What s more it s very easy to access from wherever you come Welcome to Messe Stuttgart Traveling to the key to global markets couldn t be more direct whether you arrive by car train or plane Global players such as Bosch Daimler IBM Kärcher Stihl and many more are headquartered nearby International contacts are made and nurtured right here Be inspired For more infor mation visit www messe stuttgart de Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH Messepiazza 1 70629 Stuttgart Germany Telefon 49 711 18560 0 Telefax 49 711 18560 2440 E Mail info messe stuttgart de Trade Fairs International Heft 1 Issue no 1 erscheint am is published on 27 Februar 2017 February 27 2017 Ph ot o R öd er 66 IELA News 68 IFES News 80 Service Partner 82 Backstage 82 Imprint COLUMN 8 ibtm world What the meetings industry needs 12 Congresses MICE with myriad options 14 Congresses Africa s increasingly important role 18 Germany 2017 No limits for the future 22 Germany 2017 Fit for the future 26 Germany 2017 New target groups boost business 29 Germany 2017 Classic cars and motorcycles 32 Germany 2017 Logistics with maximum security 35 TFI Know how How can exhibitors professionalise their accommodation management FOCUS 38 International 2017 What will happen now after the Brexit vote 42 India India lights up 44 Switzerland Palexpo is inventive 48 Switzerland Need for real encounters 52 Switzerland Internationalisation and digitalisation 56 France Offering an experience across all channels 60 Poland Still on the up 62 Hungary Positive signals for the entire country INTERNATIONAL 67 Stand construction systems Standing out from the crowd 74 Stand construction systems Variety of creative options 78 Mobile exhibition buildings High enough for dinosaurs and cranes PRACTICE
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