a huge amount of energy to organise the founder explained his decision So it seemed only logical to offer it to the venue that has hosted it for nearly 45 years and really puts my mind at ease he expressed his delight that Palexpo has accepted his proposal In ad dition Jean Luc Vincent promised to support the new host with future editions and will re main president of the inventions show Palexpo s managers are looking forward to the new challenge Organising this fair will give our staff the chance to acquire par ticular skills in a new area points out Claude Membrez At the same time this en sures that the event will stay at Palexpo says Palexpo s managing director The Inter national Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva has become a real institution over the years and is a big hit with the general public Every year it welcomes some 700 exhibitors from 40 countries who present literally thou sands of new inventions On a global scale the event is regarded as the most important of its segment as Palexpo points out The ex hibition is exclusively dedicated to inven tions and is also a unique marketplace for li cences The latter offers a large reservoir to companies distributors and financial experts who are on the lookout for novelties The 45th edition of the International Exhibi tion for Inventions will open its gates from 29 March to 2 April 2017 www inventions geneva ch PB 46 TradeFairs Internation al 6 2016 INTERNATIONAL Smart solution for Geneva Together with Cube Technologies Palex po has redesigned its power distributionto meet modern day customer expecta tions and improve the quality and working environment of its teams In early 2000 we already realised that our conventional electri cal distribution infrastructure would not be able to meet long term requirements says Charles Keller The quality and size of stands has increased significantly explains the head of Palexpo s electrical and sanitation services The solution was to install intelligent control and metering devices directly in the building infrastructure For this purpose the smart so lutions developed by Cube were integrated in the power distribution system This offered two further advantages We no longer had to assemble and disassemble the meters for each exhibitor and for each event which is a time saver says a happy Charles Keller And the stands are no longer encumbered by the bulky outdated electrical boxes from the 1970s he refers to the valuable extra space gained For this reason Palexpo decided to completely restructure the power distribution in each hall from the 18 PP 400 V transformer to power sockets installed in the floor Conclu sion Cube developed a solution to adapt the intelligent components of the Keops electrical boxes to meet our very specific needs and our own business model says Keller Thanks to the measuring and control options Palexpo now has reliable and trace able records that can be billed directly to customers generating a net profit for each event www cube technologies com Ph ot o P al ex po Freuen sich bei Palexpo über die Erfindermesse Präsident Robert Hensler l und Generaldirektor Claude Membrez Looking forward to the inventions fair at Palexpo president Robert Hensler l and managing director Claude Membrez
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