S uddenly the press conference at the lighting trade show took an unexpect ed turn The minister of state for pow er coal and renewable energies Piyush Goyal entered into a loud debate with an in dustry representative Shortly before that the politician had complained that Indian light ing manufacturers were too slow and their prices too high The industry member brusquely dismissed this but in the end he was of one opinion with Goyal Thank you minister he said meekly Light India in New Delhi is one of now 20 Indian trade fairs staged by Messe Frankfurt in the country And the German company is letting out all the stops there Around five years ago Messe Frankfurt only had a staff of 12 in India To day the figure is around 115 says Raj Manek 90 people work at our headquarters in Mumbai alone points out the managing director of Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India This formidable team does all the important work itself to ensure a high quality Since 2011 exhibition space sold on the subcontinent has grown from 4 000 to 140 000 square metres a year a 35 fold in crease The fast pace of Messe Frankfurt s ac tivities in the second most populous country on earth is due to a strategic decision Five years ago we decided to establish a new pil lar in Asia alongside China reports Wolf gang Marzin We now have a presence on the Indian market as an organiser of technol ogy automotive consumer goods and textile trade shows explains the CEO of Messe Frankfurt Media Expo is another new addi tion India is probably the only country on earth where print media are still enjoying vigorous growth last posting a six per cent gain Messe Frankfurt also recently acquired a conference company Its explanation Some people want to gain knowledge before they start trade The growth of the last few years is also a result of the recent economic boom After three decades of sluggish multi party coali tions the 2014 elections meant the start of a new era of one party majority Prime minis ter Narendra Modi and his team have a repu tation for getting things done want to sim plify the tax system fight corruption and drastically reduce bureaucracy their motto being that the economic reform is a marathon not a sprint At Light India this new spirit was palpable among the 275 ex hibitors A few years ago the event was revi talised after Messe Frankfurt came on board Obviously at the right moment We are cur rently seeing the greatest changes in the his tory of the lighting industry says Rakesh Zutshi president of the Indi an manufacturers association Elco ma The sector is expected to achieve double digit annual gains al so because India s goal is to light up its streets By 2020 all street lights in the country are to switch to LED These measures are strong growth motors in several respects They will boost demand reduce en ergy consumption in India substan tially and improve the infrastructure which is still an obstacle There is al so a lot to be done in the trade fair sector Partly outdated exhibition centres especially in the hotspots Mumbai and Delhi have held India back from developing as successfully as China Light India is staged in In dia s largest exhibition centre Pragati Maidan where many halls are in a poor condition Organisers must do their utmost to make the exhibition spaces in the almost 45 year old complex fit for use Messe Frankfurt CEO Wolfgang Marzin still knows the premises from better days In the late 1980s he worked as a logistics manager there for Schenker Pragati Maidan is to be overhauled soon and it seems as if things are happening in the country s exhibition infrastructure India is a major challenge says Marzin s Indian di rector Raj Manek But there s never a mo ment of boredom Especially when the min ister starts an argument at a press conference www messefrankfurt com PB 42 TradeFairs Internation al 6 2016 INTERNATIONAL INDIA India lights up Messe Frankfurt has expanded its activities on the sub continent At the Light India trade show everybody enthused about a dynamic future for the country Der Deutschlandfunk auf der Messe Light India 2016 German radio Deutschlandfunk at Light India 2016 Ph ot o T FI
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