Dangerous goods account for over seven per cent of all transport ed cargo We are addressing logis tics decision makers and manage ment staff in various fields of dan gerous goods transport and intralo gistics explains Matthias Kober In addition to company officers for dangerous goods hazardous materi als security and industrial health and safety lists the director of the new trade show Companies that process hazardous materials in all sectors senders and shippers of dangerous goods transport companies freight for warders and logistics service providers of all transport modes are the most important visi tor target groups And waste management companies consulting firms external securi ty officers testing organisations state and in dustrial accident insurance authorities and institutions are also part of it Deutsche Bahn s Eckart Fricke welcomes the new trade show Hazardous goods ac count for around one in seven tons of freight carried by DB Cargo says Deutsche Bahn s management representative for Saxony Sax ony Anhalt and Thuringia That is why Gefahrgut Gefahrstoff is of great interest to us as a provider of dangerous goods trans port and as an information platform for our staff members who are in charge of han dling www leipziger messe de PB www messe dresden de SIE HABEN DEN ANLASS WIR DEN RAUM FOCUS 33TradeFairs Internation al 6 2016 transport logistic gets new face Logistics professionals are problemsolvers who overcome challengingtasks every day These special achieve ments are to be conveyed by transport lo gistic s key visual symbolising the industry Next year a farmer up in the mountains will take centre stage For transport logistic 2017 the leitmotif of delivering a product was developed a step further The tablet computer demonstrates that digitalisation is the driving force of the logistics industry and will remain so in the years to come Only logistics and supply chain manage ment afford even remote locations the op portunity to partake of international value chains As such logistics brings prosperity and growth The mountain farmer can con trol production via his tablet the solution is to efficiently digitise processes promote networking and step up the integration of mobile devices The exhibitors at transport logistic demonstrate just what else is possi ble thanks to logistics Transport logistic is the key trade fair of the logistics and sup ply chain world emphasises Gerhard Ger ritzen member of the executive board of Messe München The next edition of the international trade fair for logistics mobili ty IT and supply chain management will be from 9 to 12 May 2017 www transport logistic de Sehr viel Gefahrgut wird auf Schienen transportiert Many hazardous goods are transported by rail
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