doorstep in future The first mo torcycle and scooter exhibition will be taking place at the start of the new season from 10 to 12 February 2017 I am delighted that we are able to offer the re gion s motorcyclists and scooter riders a high quality motorcycle fair beams Ulrich Kromer man aging director of Messe Stuttgart Manufacturers will be exhibiting their new products here every year in future continues Kromer who rides a Harley Davidson himself In addition to the exhibi tion a varied programme of shows and activities is planned Particular use will be made of the outdoor area for this We intend to keep enhancing the experience offered at Motorrad live adds Stefan Lohnert who is in charge of guest events at Messe Stuttgart The fair is organised by Twin Verwaltungsgesellschaft a com pany based in Holzwickede in North Rhine Westphalia The company has already developed the leading German spring motor cycle fairs in Dortmund and Leipzig Twin s managing director Hans Jürgen Weigt recognises the advantages offered by Stuttgart as a location The modern halls and ideal transport connections in this metropolitan region in southern Germany mean we can expect a large number of visi tors he says In addition the region s motorcyclists have signif icant purchasing power Over 1 8 million two wheel motor ve hicles are registered or insured in the state of Baden Württemberg and the neighbouring urban ur ban areas Given all that Twin is expecting over 300 exhibitors and 50 000 visitors including many motorcycle and scooter owners There will be special offers for young people and those with new driving licences www zwei radmessen de PB FOCUS 30 TradeFairs Internation al 6 2016 DIE PLATTFORM FÜR MODERNE HANDELSPROZESSE 14 16 März 2017 Neue Messe Stuttgart www tradeworld de Tel 49 0 89 3 23 91 245 Im Rahmen der Fachmesse LogiMAT 2017 Anzeige AUMA trade fair guide for Germany in 2017 The AUMA guide to Ger man trade fairs whichhas just been published specifies the dates venues and organisers of 442 trade fairs in Germany and provides key data The completely re designed trade fair calendar of the Association of the Ger man Trade Fair Industry AU MA offers a compact overview of trade fairs in Ger many which are listed from A to Z and by industry and are thus easy to find Each fair s reach is indicated by assign ing it to a category interna tional nationwide or regional That immediately gives users an idea of whether an event meets their needs The guide also indicates whether the figures for a trade fair have been certified by the German auditing company FKM In ad dition it describes all the steps exhibitors have to take in order to participate in a trade fair Users can get regu larly updated information on trade fairs from AUMA s online database and they can also access current information on trade fairs in Germany and worldwide using AUMA s smartphone app MyFairs The guide can be ordered online www auma de Der Stuttgarter Messegeschäftsführer Ulrich Kromer kann auf der neuen Motorradschau künftig auch seinem Hobby nachgehen Ulrich Kromer head of Messe Stuttgart will be able to indulge in his hobby at the new motorbike show in future Ph ot o M es se S tu tt ga rt
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