in late summer 2017 20 of the 22 compa nies that exhibited there have already regis tered again reports Arnd Hinrich Kappe That shows they had a good response to what they were offering at the fair As far as the visitors are concerned the ILM has become even more international Around 30 percent of buyers come from abroad from over 45 countries around the world That s due to increased marketing ef forts abroad but above all to early schedul ing and our good mix of brands emphasises Kappe In addition the compact scale of the International Leather Goods Fair also makes it more likely that orders will be placed he says There are 13 500 square metres of net exhibition space available In addition the visitors to the fair have become more diverse in structure Around a tenth of buyers now come from the footwear and textile indus tries providing the exhibitors with additional customers Messe Offenbach itself is also pleased to have new customers For some time now the privately owned company is al so promoting the venue as Convention Center RheinMain in the same complex Corporate and other events for up to 1 000 delegates are staged here as well as trade fairs In 2017 the Offenbach Chamber of Industry and Com merce is coming with 700 delegates These are all business people who organise their own corporate events asserts Kappe There could hardly be a better way to promote our venue www messe offenbach de PB 26 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 6 2016 GERMANY 2017 New target groups boost business The trade fair centre in Offenbach is synonymous with leather and the industry is again optimistic However Offenbach is also attracting increasing numbers of other events M esse Offenbach managing director Arnd Hinrich Kappe beams Our International Leather Goods Fair the ILM is booming says the trade fair company boss Recently we have been able to attract exhibitors who have pre viously only exhibited in Paris or Milan There is now a waiting list because the ven ue is completely booked up To relieve the pressure the recent International Leather Goods Fair also used exhibition space at the adjacent Capitol event centre Of course it takes time until something new like this is fully accepted Buyers come to Offenbach with a full schedule to get through together with their suppliers Only once they ve done that do they look at the stands of other ex hibitors if they have time The Capitol is go ing to be used again for ILM Summer Styles Pieta 2017 at Messe Dresden Pieta has grown continuously for overtwo decades and is now the biggestindustry get together in eastern Ger many Dresden will again be welcoming in dustry representatives from 25 to 27 May 2017 With a slogan that translates as New approaches for an established industry Pieta presents the latest developments products and services for funerals ceme teries and crematoriums Over 100 ex hibitors from all over Germany as well as neighbouring countries exhibit here They show how the work of undertakers and cemetery and crematorium staff can be done better and more efficiently and cre atively There is plenty of open communi cation at the fair the latest trends are as sessed and new contacts are made Art ex hibitions and tourist programmes outside the hours of the trade fair as well as the child care offered for children over four years old enhance this international event In 2015 over 1 900 trade visitors from 15 countries came with those from Hong Kong and South Africa travelling furthest Pieta has an interesting accompanying programme and there are no admission charges for the talks For Messe Dresden this is about offering variety stimulating discussion and providing new ideas In re cent months the organisers have been de veloping ideas with industry experts and as a result Pieta will again be offering visi tors the opportunity to acquire new infor mation and knowledge next year Barbara Klepsch Saxony s minister for social affairs and consumer protection has taken on the event s patronage www pieta messe de Bei der ILM haben wir Aus steller gewon nen die sich bis lang nur in Paris oder Mailand beteiligt hatten freut sich Arnd Hinrich Kappe At ILM we gained exhibitors who had previously only gone to Paris and Milan says a happy Arnd Hinrich Kappe Ph ot o M es se O ffe nb ac h
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