their expectations for a contem porary exhibition centre says Oliver Kuhrt boss of Messe Es sen pointing out the modern ar chitecture spacious single storey hall structure with clear routes and high technical standards The existing 18 halls of which some are rather small will now be transformed into a total of eight large halls This will also offer completely new booth con struction options For example all halls will also permit two storey booth constructions in future The architectural highlight of the new Messe Essen will be cre ated in the first construction phase A 2 000 square metre modern glass foyer in the eastern entrance area will be linked di rectly to the underground railway by a distinctive canopy roof The completion of the foyer in the late autumn of 2017 will mark the end of the first construction phase Conference and congress spaces of various sizes will be directly adjacent to the foyer A state of the art ventilation system will en sure a stable temperature and a high air quality across various halls When the modernisation is completed in the autumn of 2019 the technical standards of the entire exhibition centre will be on a uniformly high level www messe essen de PB Global Fairs Global Business Global Business Global Fairs Show Dates 2017 CeBIT 20 24 3 2017 Hannover Global Event for Digital Business DOMOTEX 14 17 1 2017 Hannover The World of Flooring EMO Hannover 18 23 9 2017 Hannover Connecting systems for intelligent production AGRITECHNICA 12 18 11 2017 Hannover International DLG Trade fair for Agricultural Machinery ALTENPFLEGE 25 27 4 2017 Nuremberg The Care Fair Further information at messe de LIGNA 22 26 5 2017 Hannover World s Leading Trade Fair for Woodworking and Wood Processing Machinery Plant and Equipment HANNOVER MESSE 24 28 4 2017 Hannover The world s leading trade fair for industrial technology parts2clean 24 26 10 2017 Stuttgart Leading International Trade Fair for Industrial Parts and Surface Cleaning LABVOLUTION 16 18 5 2017 Hannover world of labs Together with Life Sciences Event BIOTECHNICA Zukunft Personal 19 21 9 2017 Cologne Europe s largest Exhibition for Human Resource Management 23 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 6 2016 Euroshop biggest issue ever From 5 to 9 March 2017 Euroshop will be taking place in Düssel dorf again This year the event meets with higher demand thanever among exhibitors Especially foreign exhibitors are show ing strong interest in the leading global trade fair for retailers in vestment needs Even at this early stage three and a half months before the start of the event the sold area for Euroshop 2014 116 579 square metres has already been ex ceeded 120 000 square metres of space have already been sold In order to satisfy this strong demand the 2017 edition will occupy 18 instead of 16 halls for the first time Exhibitor demand is so great we even have a waiting list now says Elke Moebius We are expecting around 2 500 exhibitors reports the event director This develop ment impressively shows that our new concept of the seven experi ence dimensions was the right decision The said experience dimensions of Euroshop 2017 are as follows POP Marketing Expo Event Marketing Retail Technology Lighting Visual Merchandising Shop Fitting Store Design as well as Food Tech Energy Manage ment The extensive exhibitor line up is complemented by high calibre forums with practice focused lectures to be presented on all five days of the fair amidst trade fair activities These include the Euroshop Forum Architecture Design the EuroCIS Forum the OmniChannel Forum as well as the Ecopark Forum The new Expo Event Forum will be particularly interesting for exhibition profes sionals All forums will be simultaneously translated from and into German and English and can be attended by trade visitors free of charge and without prior registration www euroshop de Ph ot o M es se D üs se ld or f C on st an ze T ill m an n
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