I t all started a good two and a half months ago on 8 Sep tember when Cologne s exhi bition centre laid the corner stone for its new car park at Zoo brücke to launch the Koelnmesse 3 0 investment programme To day is an important milestone on the path to our goal of making our exhibition centre fit for the trade fair business of the future said Gerald Böse president and chief executive officer of Koeln messe Slated for completion by the end of 2017 the new car park will offer 3 260 parking spaces as well as extensive logistics areas for the vehicles involved in stand construction and dismantling In addition this will reduce the vol ume of traffic in the Cologne dis tricts on the right bank of the Rhine Interior connected ramps will enable a smooth flow of traf fic while trade fairs are being staged A further advantage of the car park is that it will have sepa rate exits for traffic moving into and out of the city In addition to meeting purely functional requirements the con struction is to create a warm at mosphere for exhibitors and visi tors To ensure that guests feel welcome from the moment they arrive the car park will be con nected directly to the exhibition centre For this the outdoor area will undergo a complete make over By the way the name Koeln messe 3 0 stands for the mod ernisation of the exhibition site in particular its southern sec tion scheduled until 2030 The investment programme is also to make the amenity areas more at tractive Worth a total of over 600 million euros plans include a hall for conferences combined with trade fairs In addition there will be a new entrance terminal offer ing access to the southern section www koelnmesse de At Messe Essen modernisation measures for the exhibition centre officially started last May For this purpose Essen s Lord Mayor Thomas Kufen and managing di rector Oliver Kuhrt opened a new Info Pavilion to mark the start of construction Inside the site the focus will be on a clear single storey design of the halls and on technical modernisation The hall marks of the new Messe Essen will be an open functional archi tecture simple orientation and flexible logistics We have lis tened carefully to our customers and consistently want to meet FOCUS GERMANY 2017 Fit for the future This year saw the start of extensive construction projects at western German exhibition hubs Cologne and Essen The first new openings will be in 2017 Grundsteinlegung v l Die Architek ten Kai Bierich Wilhelm Schulte und die Messege schäftsführer Her bert Marner und Gerald Böse Cornerstone cere mony f t l Archi tects Kai Bierich Wilhelm Schulte and managing directors Herbert Marner and Gerald Böse Ph ot o K oe ln m es se 15 Int Fachmesse für Distribution Material und Informationsfluss 14 16 März 2017 Neue Messe Stuttgart www logimat messe de Tel 49 0 89 3 23 91 253 2017 Anzeige
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