current drivers of the trend The so called Internet of Things IoT is gradually taking centre stage IoT ap plications and new technologies open up new horizons in the truest sense of the word enthuses Oliver Frese Our task now is to turn these technologies into busi ness opportunities To boost these business opportunities next year s CeBIT will have an even stronger focus on applica tions Deutsche Messe will use the exhibition halls in creasingly as showcases We will be presenting high ly relevant real world examples of digitalisation in a number of different sectors such as automotive bank ing and insurance retail healthcare and administra tion reveals Oliver Frese This will be an impressive demonstration of how digitalisation is impacting on every conceivable area of business and society www cebit de PB Damit Visionen zu Märkten werden und Ideen Wirklichkeit braucht es die richtigen Menschen am richtigen Ort Diese Momente schafft die Messe Frankfurt immer wieder aufs Neue seit beinahe 800 Jahren Guten Über morgen 19 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 6 2016 All about drones The Unmanned Technologies Security Expo Conference U T SEC which will be staged on 2 and 3 March 2017 at Nurem berg Fair is the first trade show devoted entirely to drones The focus of the event will be on the technical possibilities of increasing security by deploying unmanned vehicles in civil industrial and state sectors but also on protection against their unwanted use Some 80 exhibitors are expected at the premiere in Hall 12 of the exhibition centre The event is being organised by NürnbergMesse Be it to monitor traffic infrastructures industrial facilities or power plants or the use of these technologies by the police fire service civil protec tion or other rescue services unmanned systems offer a compara tively affordable and easy way to get an overall picture of difficult terrain while offering new perspectives in the truest sense of the world At the same time though the growing number of possible applications also raises new questions regarding aspects such as in dustrial and worker safety no fly zones and flight restricted zones in the vicinity of airports or football stadiums for example The U T SEC Expo and Conference in Nuremberg will deal with these aspects from a broad perspective and identify solutions The event adds a new fu ture forward segment to NürnbergMesse s portfolio of security trade fairs The exhibition will feature unmanned aerial vehicles land vehi cles and water craft equipment such as video thermal and IR cam eras and radar systems as well as jamming equipment for drone de fence In addition associations public authorities and trade media will be providing information about legal and insurance questions The event is aimed first and foremost at trade visitors from the fields of public safety and security rescue services industry the energy sector and forestry as well as industrial safety and plant protection www utsec de Drohnen wie hier auf der CeBIT werden auch auf den deutschen Messen immer mehr ein Thema Drones like here at CeBIT increa singly give rise to discussions at German fairs Ph ot o D eu ts ch e M es se
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