Ein anderer Erfolgsfaktor ist die intensive Ar beit der Kongressbotschafter Über eigens ge schaffene Programme werden Experten und Meinungsführer in den jeweiligen Feldern identifiziert Diese Botschafter betreiben dann Lobbyarbeit um diverse Veranstaltungen nach Kapstadt und ins CTICC holen zu können Im abgelaufenen Fiskaljahr 2015 2016 konnten auch einige große Tagungen ins Cape Town International Convention Centre gelockt werden Dazu zählte die Weltkonferenz der Lungenexperten mit 3 500 Fachleuten Lun genkrankheiten wie Tuberkulose sind eine große Herausforderung für Afrika Mit der AfricaCom fand das größte Technologie Ereig nis des Kontinents statt Dazu kamen über 7 000 Teilnehmer die sich bei diesem Anlass von der leistungsfähigen IKT Infrastruktur des Messe und Kongresszentrums überzeugen konnten Der Ausblick in die Zukunft fällt ebenfalls positiv aus Bis zum Jahr 2022 liegen dem CTICC bereits jetzt Buchungen von 32 internationalen Konferenzen vor www cticc co za PB ferences provided platforms for greater African participation in solving global prob lems emphasised Ellingson These confer ences also illustrate the important role Africa is playing across a number of catalytic sectors such as ICT education the green economy and agro processing These industries have been identified as key growth sectors of the knowledge economy in the Cape Town region The conferences hosted brought over 43 000 delegates to the Cape Town Interna tional Convention Centre In addition they fu elled the economic development of Cape Town and the Western Cape region In 2016 the activities of the CTICC generated almost 603 000 international tourist days and net for eign exchange earnings of around 42 million euros The conference business also benefits from the attractiveness of Cape Town as a travel destination Cape Town can be a strong draw card confirmed Ellingson Part of our success can certainly be attributed to the popularity of Cape Town as an interna tional tourism destination Another success factor is the hard work of the centre s ambas sadors The programme involves identifying experts and opinion leaders in their respective fields These ambassadors then work towards bringing a variety of events to Cape Town and the CTICC A number of large conferences were also attracted to the Cape Town International Con vention Centre in the financial year 2015 2016 These included the World Confer ence on Lung Health attended by 3 500 dele gates Lung diseases such as tuberculo sis in particular are a big challenge for Africa AfricaCom a combined confer ence and exhibition that is the conti nent s largest technology event was also held attracting over 7 000 delegates and visitors who were able to convince themselves of the excellent ICT infra structure of the exhibition and conven tion centre The prospects for the future are also good the CTICC already has bookings for 32 international conferences up until 2022 www cticc co za PB 14 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 6 2016 CONGRESSES Africa s increasingly important role Cape Town is very popular with tourists That helps to attract conferences which in turn generate revenues from the associ ated induced tourism T he international conference business of the Cape Town International Conven tion Centre CTICC has been growing announced CTICC CEO Julie May Ellingson on 25 October at the presentation of the centre s annual results for the financial year 2015 2016 which ended on 30 June 39 international conferences were hosted repre senting growth of 22 percent over the previous year The number of smaller and medium sized events involving up to 500 or 1 000 del egates increased particularly sharply Numer ous conferences were held on African soil for the first time Many of the international con Im Cape Town International Conven tion Centre kommen 2017 rund 10 000 Quadratmeter Fläche für Messen und Kongresse hinzu Cape Town International Convention Centre will be adding around 10 000 square metres for trade fairs and conven tions in 2017 Ph ot o C TI CC
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