12 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 6 2016 A quad bike ride along miles of empty Moroccan beach can be a special ex perience Others will happily settle for rather less hp and instead take a morning ride along the water s edge on horseback which is another option offered by this Kerzner resort a five star complex that opened in 2009 with 500 rooms and suites bars and a variety of restaurants Their chefs celebrate both local and interna tional cuisine and of course fresh seafood from the Atlantic There is certainly no short age of options when it comes to leisure facil ities and entertainment The 18 hole golf course spa facilities nightclub and North Africa s largest casino with 463 fruit ma chines and 44 gaming tables are further high lights In addition to well heeled tourists MICE guests are also targeted Events for up to 1 300 delegates can be held in the 2 000 square metre Mazagan conference centre and the options for incentives include camel riding archery and paintballing There is even a football pitch and thanks to the mar itime climate it is possible to play in tolerable temperatures The sports facilities are a good example of the adherence to sustainable principles throughout the resort The type of grass used on the golf course requires less water fertiliser and pesticide and 80 percent of the water used on it comes from the hotel having first been suitably treated In the medium term trade fair business could also play an important role Opposite the Mazagan Resort is the brand new Mo hammed V trade fair centre where the annu al Salon Du Cheval d El Jadida is held most recently in October The horse show takes place in two exhibition halls as well as out doors A fast train line from Casablanca brings horse loving Moroccans to and from the venue Further trade fairs are planned in future to fill out the events calendar For ex hibitors the Magazan offers an exclusive overnight option that will appeal to their em ployees Any evening events accompanying the trade fair can be held here as well Bar becues on the Atlantic beach are one possi bility Incidentally Mazagan is the former name of El Jadida the city of 200 000 that lies only a few miles from the resort El Jadida s his toric Portuguese old town has been a UN ESCO world heritage site since 2004 There is a famous 16th century cistern there too The floor of the vaulted underground chamber is covered in water that reflects light beautiful ly Orson Welles took advantage of this in a scene in his film Othello in 1952 Arabic tra ditions are upheld in El Jadida of course and you can visit the authentic souk and feel like you are immersing yourself in the world of the Arabian Nights www mazaganbeach resort com PB CONGRESSES MICE with myriad options The Mazagan Beach Golf Resort is just an hour s drive from Casablanca It hosts meetings incentives conventions and trade fairs Mit dem Quad können Incentive Teilnehmer kilometerlang über den marokkanischen Atlantikstrand bei El Jadida fegen On their quads incentive participants can speed for miles along Morocco s Atlantic coast near El Jadida Ph ot o T FI
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