Brighten up your designs with ColorLine way of example a story that begins with a moment of inspiration and moves on through the design and product presentation phases The third cube deals with presenta tion and interaction using the latest media Following the tour the participants at the Keck Forum 2016 listened to informative and entertaining expert speakers The casual laid back approach of speech trainer Michael Rossié showed how to speak in public in an authentic and engaging way Authenticity al so played an important role with Alexander Christiani who explained how companies can position themselves successfully through their own storytelling Eberhard Freiensehner owner and managing director of the agency commacross talked about brand experiences at trade fairs through gamification and media Hermann Scherer rounded things off in daz zling style with an array of humorous tips and insights focusing on how to shape your life so that you enjoy rather than squander it His motto Happiness is a reward for over coming the obstacles in your way Everyone was spirited and upbeat And in addition to having a lot of fun the partici pants also went away with a whole range of ideas to put into practice in their working lives In view of the positive response the company is planning to stage another Keck Forum The next day the staff and their fam ilies rewarded themselves with a barbecue party It was their considerable efforts dur ing what was an intensive period of work in the first six months of 2016 the trade fair season that had made the event possible www keck world PB PRACTICE Die beiden Ge schäftsführer Hans Jörg Keck l und Markus Futterer freuen sich über eine gelungene Ver anstaltung The two managing directors Hans Jörg Keck l and Markus Futterer are happy about the successful event Ph ot o K ec k
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